緊急訊息:對異常天氣和天空異象保持警覺 2024.07.16
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2024.07.16|Be Alert for Unusual Weather and Sky Events
On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) sent the following urgent message:
👉 “From today 16 July 2024 till end of August, always pay attention to the weather and sky events.
👉If it turns darkened, or there’s unusual loud thunder and bad, strong, violent winds, please stay indoors. Seek shelter. Close all doors and windows, don’t look out if there’s fire coming from above so fiercely violent, that even with all curtains closed you can see blazing brightness outside. Stay put till the sky lights up normal again. Have enough food for 4 days. Even pet-people should not go out at all. They do their business in the bathroom, do their waste in a smelly nappy, tell them to relieve there.
👉Tell all your friends and all you know remotely, if nothing happens in these times, to still be on the lookout all the time. In case the world karma is too heavy for M and Heavens’ Hufa (Guards) to hold, be prepared. Nothing might happen to you the God-loving, God-worshiping people… and good practitioners in my fold. Still, precaution is better. We can’t tell this to world people; they will think negatively of us and not listen anyway! The Savior means nothing to most of them, though we still try with all our might to shield them beyond all risk behind the scenes, to self-exhaustion! Best of wishes to all of you and may God be merciful on all of us who love, rely on, and thank Hirm for everything.…
🙏We leave it in God’s Hands and hope the whole world will be more
benevolent so God will forgive us, and this world will be a Paradise for all to enjoy peace and happiness forever.
🙏I think many of you and the outside people will want the same to be safe.
🙏So let it be done like that. M is very tired now, can’t keep correcting or changing anymore. Been thinking much too long already! Hope all will repent with us, try all their might, and God will be lenient one more time! We give thanks in advance to God’s Mercy, all Masters, Buddhas, Saints and Sages for Blessing us with Grand Forgiveness and Love. AMEN.”
-Be Vegan Make Peace
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