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現在位置:討論區 / 素食甘苦談 / Re:素食者所面臨的不公平待遇

討論區/素食甘苦談 文章

主題: Re:素食者所面臨的不公平待遇
作者: 隨緣katie
文 章 編 號: 第 112358 篇
發 表 日 期: 2004/06/22 7:20:04
閱 讀 次 數: 1121
此篇文章 回應: 111354 (隨緣katie)
推文人氣: (0)

oh i suddenly think of something to say..

people who eat meat think that they are healthier, but why they have so many health problem???

ask them back why? they should be very strong are they??? why they always get headache, stomachache, or pain in they body???

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