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現在位置:討論區 / 綠色環保 / Re:歡迎寫信給現在八大工業國(G8)領袖們 [寫給G8領袖的一封信]

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主題: Re:歡迎寫信給現在八大工業國(G8)領袖們 [寫給G8領袖的一封信]
作者: itchy【羅一極】
文 章 編 號: 第 201591 篇
發 表 日 期: 2008/06/12 16:54:57
閱 讀 次 數: 1515
此篇文章 回應: 201551 (hongchie)
回應此篇的文章: 201594
推文人氣: (1)

> Hongchie 大作中提到:

> 歡迎寫信給現在八大工業國(G8)高峰會議代表:

> 強調 "開始素食  加入環保  拯救地球"而非只是減碳

> 若有建設性、好的英文文宣,也請慷慨供參考。

> (附G8 領袖超聯結...)


Please Save the Planet --  Go Veg,   Be Green

To Whom It May Concern:

In recent years, prominent climatologists across the globe are saying that we need to make drastic changes and act urgently if we want to save earth from its current course of destruction. NASA's scientist James Hansen and many others are urgently calling for us to reduce methane emissions before it's too late. Methane is 23 times more potent than CO2 in term of greenhouse effect. However, methane gas only stays in the atmosphere for 10 years, while CO2 remains in atmosphere for 100 years. Thus reducing methane gas emission is more effective in cutting down greenhouse effect and has immediate results.

While many governments in the world continue to look at ways to cut down CO2 as the solution, most of them have overlooked the No. 1 cause of pollution, MEAT CONSUMPTION, which is never addressed!!  The largest human caused sources of methane emissions are:

· Livestock raised for meat and dairy
· Landfills
· Leaks of natural gas to the atmosphere
· Burning of coal.  

We urge you to do all you can to support the rapid reduction of methane emissions, including:

. Reduce or ban meat/dairy products and provide vegetarian (vegan) dishes in schools and city food services.
· Encourage all restaurants to put at least three vegetarian (vegan) dishes on their menus to help us eat lower emission diets.
· Lead by example by embracing a vegetarian (vegan) diet.

Many governments allocate a handsome amount of their annual budget to subsidize the meat industry, not realizing that meat consumption severely damages the globe environment and leads to more world hunger in third world nations. If the food fed to the livestock are instead provided to hungry humans, we can eliminate 100% of world's hunger. On the contrary, we continue to waste millions of dollars to pay the groups that massacre our environment and allow the world to go hungry, just so that we can enjoy the "flesh taste" of meat because we can afford to do so. THE WORLD, BOTH HUMANS AND ANIMALS, REALLY NEEDS OUR LOVE AND COMPASSION RIGHT NOW!  PLEASE SAVE OUR PLANET BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. GO VEG, BE GREEN! 

Thank you for being a strong and conscientious leader, to whom we can reach out at this crucial time of need.

Sincerely yours,


※此文原作者於2008/06/20 5:38:57修改過。

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hongchieWonderful! Thanks for your support~~2008/06/12 17:34:32
Re:歡迎寫信給現在八大工業國(G8)[Go Veg. Be (作者:hongchie)
書.舒.輸的時候 (作者:誠於中)


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