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主題: 在美國-全素 Pizza 連鎖店今年開了 30多家
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 230023 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/09/28 19:19:04
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在美國--全素 Pizza 連鎖店今年開了 30多家


祝福全世界邁向  素食主義的新潮流^_^國外新聞如下
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JUNE 4, 2015Vegan-Friendly Pizza Chain Opening 30+ Locations Nationwide This Year

 BY HANNAH SENTENAC, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF · JUNE 4, 2015 Uncle Maddio’s vegan pie via Sean Hedge on Instagram.A slice of pizza is pretty much the perfect food, and vegans love cheese and tomato creations as much as any omnivore. Sadly, plant-based options are lacking in most 
major chains—just ask Domino’s. 
Luckily, one rapidly expanding pizza purveyor is all about satisfying vegan eaters. The Atlanta-based Uncle Maddio’s has locations in 14 states and is opening a 
whopping 30+ outposts this year alone.
Known for its speedy firing times, reasonable prices and customizable menu, the company has offered vegan options since its launch in 2009.
Maddio’s will double in size in 2015, for the third year in a row. In the past month, franchise locales have popped up in Panama City Beach, Fla and High Point, NC, 
with deals for new spots being signed every day.
As far as plant-based options, customers can build their own pizzas using 27 vegetable toppings, six sauces, three crusts (including gluten-free) and Daiya cheese.
“Everything from traditional veggie pizza toppings like green peppers, olives and mushrooms to eggplant, sundried tomatoes and even black bean corn salsa,” says Matt 
Andrew, the company’s CEO and founder. “We also offer grilled tofu for vegan tofu lovers.
The vegan-friendly pizza chain is in a total of 14 states, including Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Colorado, North Dakota, Nebraska, North Carolina, South 
Carolina, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey and Tennessee. (You can check out their locator online to see if there’s a spot near you.)
“The response to our vegan menu items has been very positive,” says Andrew. “Our vegan guests are very appreciative that we’ve taken their dining preferences in 
mind, since vegan menu items can still be hard to come by.”
(Dying for vegan pizza in your hometown? If Uncle Maddio’s isn’t already there, they’re always looking for franchise owners.)
In the words of @PizzaGoth: “People disappoint. Pizza is eternal.”
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