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主題: 網球世界冠軍德的素食歷程
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 234006 篇
發 表 日 期: 2019/07/15 20:52:59
閱 讀 次 數: 940
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Jul 14, 2019 2:51 PM

BREAKING: Plant-Based Athlete Novak Djokovic Wins Wimbledon

The professional tennis player wins Wimbledon, days after praising a plant-based diet

Five-time Wimbledon champion (Photos: Instagram)

Plant-based tennis player Novak Djokovic has won his fifth Wimbledontitle defeating Swiss athlete Roger Federer in a thrilling five-set match.

Djokovic, who went into the tournament as world number one and top seed, spoke out about his plant-based diet just days ago, crediting it for his faster recovery times.

'I do eat plant-based'

Speaking at a post-match conference, Djokovic told the press he did not like being called vegan.

"I don't like the labels, to be honest. I do eat plant-based (food), for quite a few years already," he added.

"But because of the misinterpretations of labels and misuse of labels, I just don't like that kind of name.

"I do eat plant-based. I think that's one of the reasons why I recover well. I don't have allergies that I used to have any more. And I like it."

Five-set match

The Serbian player took the first set in a tie-break. Federer then won the second set comprehensively at 6-1, with a double break. Djokovic won the third set with another tie-break, and Federer won the fourth 6-4.

The Swiss player, often considered to be the greatest of all time, had two Championship points at 8-7, but Djokovic held his nerve and broke back to bring the set back on-serve.

This year, for the first time, Wimbledon implemented a rule where a tie-break would be played in the final set if the players reached 12 games each. Djokovic took a mini-break early in the tie-break, eventually taking the fifth set in what was the Championship's longest final, running to four hours and 57 minutes, beating the previous record of four hours and 48 minutes set by Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in 2008.

'Chance to fight'

After the match, runner-up Roger Federer said: "I will try to forget [the loss]. It was a great match. It was long, it had everything, I had my chances, so did he. In a way I'm happy. But Novak was great. Well done. I still feel good. I can still stand. Back to dad and husband. It's all good."

Djokovic added: "If this was not the most exciting final then it was definitely the top two or three. I was up against one of the greatest players of all time, Roger, who I expect a lot.

"Unfortunately one player has to lose and we both had our chances. It's unreal to be two match points down and come back. It's a bit strange to play a tie-break at 12-all as well. I was hoping to get to the tie-breaks as well...When I was a boy and dreaming to be a tennis player this always has been the tournament for me."

Vegan documentary

The professional tennis player is also one of the executive producers behind the vegan documentary The Game Changers.

"The Game Changers is a new film executive produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jackie Chan that documents the explosive rise of plant-based eating in professional sports, mixing real-time, groundbreaking science with cinematic stories of struggle and triumph," says the film's description.

Speaking about the upcoming documentary, which hits more than 1,000 theaters across the world on September 16, Djokovic said: "It is about how this diet affects the world, not just personal health, but also sustainability, ecology, animals. This is what I care about so I'm really privileged to be part of that team."

*This article was updated on July 14 to change the reported length of the match.




Only to eat to do more interesting


用 愛 和 美 味 開 啟 純 素 生 活只為把素食DO的更有意思

2016/08/15 來源:學佛網


近日Green Common 網站刊登了一篇「祖高域的素食Attitude」,其人就是諾瓦克·德約科維奇(Novak Djokovic),在香港和台灣將此名譯成祖高域。為了方便大陸讀者,我還是將其名寫成德約科維奇。


現任單打排名世界第一的男子網球手德約科維奇、多屆網球雙打冠軍威廉絲姊妹、世界短跑冠軍劉易斯、美國滑水冠軍Tia Blanco,以及香港「神奇小子」傅家俊等運動員,到底有什麼共通點呢?原來他們都是素食者。






德約科維奇在自傳《Serve to Win》中談及素食,提出有別於主流營養書籍的見解:「坊間大部份營養餐單會羅列出一堆必吃食物,並且給所有人一模一樣的建議,但我認為體質因人而異,世上並無所謂最好的飲食方式,最適合自己的,才是最好的。」


Green Monday有句口號叫——素食不是規條,是Attitude(態度)。對德約科維奇而言,素食是他反覆嘗試和選擇的結果,他徹底地演譯出這句口號,將素食變為一種生活態度。




Eat Good, Feel Good! 吃得好,感覺棒!







大家引頸期盼「The Game Changers」 紀錄片
奧斯卡金牌名導 Louie Psihoyos 路易·賽侯尤斯執導,描述各界體能菁英如何打破世界最大、最危險的迷思:吃肉才有蛋白質,才會健康、有能量...⁉️😅😂
「The Game Changers」監製群:
《阿凡達》大導演 James Cameron 詹姆士•卡麥隆
《魔鬼終結者》Arnold Schwarzenegger 阿諾•史瓦辛格
《2016美國奧斯卡終身成就獎》Jacky Chen 成龍 
《一級方程式賽車世界冠軍》Lewis Hamilton 路易斯•漢米爾頓
《網球界第一位世界第一》Novak Djokovic 諾瓦克•喬科維奇
《NBA球星》Chris Paul 克里斯•保羅
影片來源︱版權為 The Game Changers 所有
Chinese Translation for educational use only, not for official publication.

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