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現在位置:討論區 / 素食餐館 / 國發會 FB推薦臺灣精選100+蔬食餐廳

討論區/素食餐館 文章

主題: 國發會 FB推薦臺灣精選100+蔬食餐廳
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 235105 篇
發 表 日 期: 2021/07/25 6:19:07
閱 讀 次 數: 422
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疫情經過三個月  沒有人潮

素食餐廳可能就經營不善休業  北投的SU不營業了...

三年前的資訊就應該監督  交通部長儘快更新...

不過還是感謝政府臉書     造福素食者


國發會 FB

發行日期:2018 年 01 月

疫情期間也要吃得健康(๑╹ꇴ╹๑) ✨






一同來品嘗,一起感受在地自然健康好滋味 (꜆꜄ ˙-˙ )꜆꜄꜆🥦🥬ψ(´ڡ`♡) 

交通部觀光局  - 臺灣精選100+蔬食餐廳 🔗 



In recent years, people pay more attention to health issues.In addition to exercise, diet also plays an important role.Studies have shown that eating more vegetables can make people healthier and relieve stress.

Taiwan was once listed by CNN as one of the top 10 popular vegan food destinations in the world.

In order to promote Taiwan’s healthy and varied diet,the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has printed a manual of popular Taiwanese vegetarian restaurants selected for their convenience, eco-friendliness, creativity, and attention to quality in their ingredients.

You are welcome to discover and experience healthy food through Taiwan's Top 100+ Vegetarian Restaurants manual.

Taiwan Tourism Bureau-Taiwan's Top 100+ Vegetarian Restaurants 🔗 


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疫苗的葷素 (作者:kcc)
神人大大 (作者:素血牛)


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