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主題: 美國休閒食品公司為狗族人研發純素肉乾
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 235388 篇
發 表 日 期: 2022/04/18 6:19:04
閱 讀 次 數: 218
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焦點新聞  2022-01-31

Clif Pet Vegan Dog Food


「克里夫寵物」品牌的「克里夫能量棒」Clif Bar, 將於二○二二年初為犬族人推出三種純素肉乾口味:南瓜和蘋果、胡桃南瓜與蔓越莓,以及紅薯與藍莓口味。這些美味的食品由健康的原料製成且易於消化。克里夫能量棒也為人類製作出一系列的純素和素食能量棒。在新冠肺炎疫情期間,犬族人收養數量增加後,隨之而來的是為了這些心愛的伴侶對高品質零食的需求,該品牌開始涉足犬族人的純植物食品領域。其他進入快速成長的動物族人同伴純素食品市場的企業包括:總部位於美國的狗族人高蛋白純素食品生產商「野生地球」Wild Earth,以及人造肉製造商「因為動物」Because Animals。為克里夫能量棒和其他創新企業研發的美味純素新產品三呼喝采。在上天的良善中,願狗族人永遠備受尊敬和愛護。


United States snack food company creates vegan jerky for dog-people.

Clif Bar, under the name Clif Pet, will release three plant-based jerky flavors for canine-people in early 2022: Pumpkin & Apple, Butternut Squash & Cranberry, and Sweet Potato & Blueberry. The scrumptious items are made from wholesome ingredients and are easy to digest. Clif Bar also makes a range of vegan and vegetarian energy bars for humans. The brand’s move into plant-based foods for dog-persons comes after the COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of canine-people adoptions, accompanied by requests for high-quality snacks for these beloved companions. Other businesses to enter the rapidly growing vegan animal-people companion food market include United States-headquartered high protein, plant-based dog-people food producer Wild Earth and cultured meat creator Because, Animals. Three cheers, Clif Bar and other innovators, for your delicious new vegan products. In Celestial goodness, may dog-people be always respected and lovingly cared for.

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SMTV焦點新聞好消息1月中 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
純素者提供的預防新冠肺炎居家解方 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)


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