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討論區/名人與素食 文章

主題: 戈登·拉姆齊公開承認:喜歡上素食
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 235523 篇
發 表 日 期: 2022/07/31 16:25:22
閱 讀 次 數: 605
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今年55 歲的蘇格蘭廚師戈登拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay)以料理選秀節目《地獄廚房》(Hell's Kitchen)中憤怒主廚導師形象走紅於全球,



以前嘴硬說不可能吃素的人….. 忽然回頭改善, 現在這樣的改變 已經非常難得。



特別創作一首曲子《Eating animals is wrong gordon ramsay》,



☸️ 戈登·拉姆齊 (Gordon Ramsay)

公開承認:喜歡上素食 ☸️

英國電視名人和米其林星級廚師 戈登·拉姆齊 (Gordon Ramsay) 過去曾嘲笑過素食者,但是近期 戈登·拉姆齊 公開在「Masterchef:Back to Win」美國版電視節目上 透露了這樣的消息,承認:「實際上喜歡植物性食物。」。.

在向參賽者解釋素食烹飪挑戰 (該節目的第一次) 時,戈登·拉姆齊說:「這是一個如此之大的秘密,我幾乎不敢在其他國家的電視台上說出來。」

「經過這麼多年,我終於可以承認,我真的很喜歡純素食物。」戈登·拉姆齊 終於野擁抱純素食品了!

但除了壞笑話之外,拉姆齊 曾多次表現出對植物性食品的欣賞 –– 2018 年,他在倫敦餐廳 Street Pizza 的菜單中添加了素食披薩。當時,他在推特上寫道:「打算試試這種素食。是的,伙計們,你沒聽錯。」

許多拉姆齊的多家餐館 現在都提供了 #植物性 的選擇。他的米其林星級法式高級餐廳 Gordon Ramsay 的 Petrus 甚至提供 #高級素食菜單

這位著名廚師還經常在社交媒體上發布烹飪視頻,去年他在 TikTok 上開玩笑說他正在「變成素食主義者」。在他向觀眾展示如何烹製「多汁茄子素牛排」當他的午餐。

2019年 拉姆齊出現在 The Late Late Show 中,並告訴主持人詹姆斯柯登「素食主義正在興起」。他說:「我們必須適應,我們只需要吃一塊不起眼的餡餅。」

關於他對Masterchef: Back to Win 的評論,拉姆齊告訴人們:「多虧了孩子們,我意識到素食是可以的。」

慈悲感恩  新聞來源|和平飲食之旅

Gordon Ramsay Admits He ‘Actually Loves Vegan Food’

The Michelin-starred chef revealed the news while explaining a vegan challenge on 'Masterchef: Back to Win'


15TH JULY 2022


Gordon Ramsay, who has mocked vegans in the past, has admitted that he actually “loves” plant-based food.

The British TV personality and Michelin-starred chef revealed the news on the US series of Masterchef: Back to Win.

While explaining a vegan cooking challenge to the contestants (the show’s first-ever), Ramsay said: “It’s a secret that’s so big, I’m almost afraid to say it on national television.”

“After all these years, I can finally admit, that I actually love vegan food,” he continued, before stating that it has taken “20 years to get to this point.”

In the past, Ramsay has come across as firmly anti-vegan. Once he Tweeted: “I’m a member of PETA! People eating tasty animals.” (The animal rights organization shrugged off the gag, replying: “Oh dear, Gordon. We’ve heard that old line before.”)

Gordon Ramsay embraces vegan food

But bad jokes aside, Ramsay has displayed his appreciation for plant-based food on several occasions. 

In 2018, he added vegan pizza to the menu at his London restaurant Street Pizza. At the time, he Tweeted: “Going to give this vegan thing a try. Yes, guys, you heard that right.”


A number of Ramsay’s eateries now offer plant-based options. His Michelin-starred French-inspired fine dining restaurant, Pétrus by Gordon Ramsay, even offers a Prestige Vegan Menu.

The renowned chef also regularly posts cooking videos on social media, and last year he joked on TikTok that he was “turning vegan.” After he’d shown viewers how to cook a “juicy” aubergine steak, he added: “for lunch.”

In 2019, Ramsay appeared on The Late Late Show and told host James Corden that “veganism is on the rise.” He said: “We’ve got to adapt and we just have to eat a slice of humble pie.”

Regarding his comments on Masterchef: Back to Win, Ramsay told People: “Thanks to the kids, I’ve realized it’s ok to be vegan… sometimes!”

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英國南泰恩賽德市的學校有純素午餐 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
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