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討論區/心靈素食 文章

主題: 國歌澳大利亞手足情深   總理莫理遜(
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 236768 篇
發 表 日 期: 2024/09/12 13:50:12
閱 讀 次 數: 261
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總理莫理遜(Scott Morrison)表示,澳洲國歌《前進澳洲美之國》(Advance Australia fair)的更改,將能更加反映澳洲原住民和多元文化的歷史。莫理遜表示,今次更改在不同層面都是適當的,它既刻畫出澳洲人的精神,亦向原住民和移民的歷史致敬,「它重申了我們身為世界上最古老的民主國家,同時尊重我們國家的基礎和對未來的共同願望。」


將「年輕」改為「一體」的概念,是由推動修改國歌歌詞的委員會「Recognition in Anthem」提出。


新州州長貝莉珍妮安(Gladys Berejiklian)去年11月表示,她公開支持更改歌詞,「我認為我們是時候承認這個大陸的第一民族的數以萬年歷史……團結很重要。」

工黨原住民事務發言人Linda Burney表示,今次修改期望已久,「我們這個國家有令人驚歎的6.5萬年歷史。每個人都應該引以為榮,而國歌和國旗可以令我們有這樣的想法。」


一國黨領袖韓珍(Pauline Hanson)說,她不反對這次改動,「我稱(我們的)政黨為一國黨,我認為我們所有澳洲人應該同屬一個國家,無論其種族、膚色或信念,無論你是不是移民。」




Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are one and free;

We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;

Our home is girt by sea;

Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare;

In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.


Beneath our radiant Southern Cross We’ll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands;

For those who’ve come across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share;

With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.

歌詞第二句將會由「因我們年輕且自由」(For we are young and free),改為「因我們一體且自由」(For we are one and free)。



Australians all let us rejoice

For we are young and free

We've golden soil and wealth for toil

Our home is girt by sea

Our land abounds in nature's gifts

Of beauty, rich and rare

In history's page let every stage

Advance Australia fair

In joyful strains then let us sing

Advance Australia fair

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

We'll toil with hearts and hands

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands

For those who've across the seas

We've boundless plains to share

With courage let us all combine

To advance Australia fair

In joyful strains then let us sing

Advance Australia fair

A recent change in Australia’s national anthem honors the indigenous community’s great contributions to this magnificently diverse country. In the original version, the first two lines went as follows: “Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free.” Peter Vickery, founder and chair of the Representation in Anthem Project (RAP), worked with many other indigenous leaders and singers to create more inclusive lyrics, and recommended the new wording “For we are one and free.”

Although Australia’s Indigenous peoples settled in many areas of the continent, they never claimed to “own” the land, believing it to be a gift to be shared by all. Mr. Karl Wickey, an educator at the Muru Mittigar Aboriginal Cultural and Education Center in New South Wales, Australia, explains further. “We only have connection through love, and the way we can show love is through respect. Love comes from the heart. So, when we do these laws, three simple laws: respect each other, respect the animals, and respect the land, (it) gave us a spiritual connection to everything.”








01. 純素生活,創造和平。|Be Vegan, Make Peace. 


02. 持純素,悔改=拯救您的靈魂!|Be vegan, Repentant = Save your soul! 


03. 當個英雄=吃純素(=拯救世界)| BE A HERO =BE VEGAN (=SAVE THE WORLD)


04. 吃素,環保來救地球。|Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet. 


05. 天堂正在注視著:停止戰爭。|Heaven is watching: Stop warring. 


06. 殺戮永遠是不對的,和平是唯一的答案。|Killing is never right, peace is the only answer. 


07. 吃素,環保=拯救孩童。|Be Veg, Go Green = to Save the Children. 


08. 純素者=這時代的英雄。|Vegans = the Heroes of Our Time.


09. 純素者=為了持久和平。|Vegan = 4 Lasting Peace. 


10. 純素者=為了完全和平。|Vegan = 4 Total Peace. 


11. 純素者=為世間伊甸園。|Vegan = 4 Eden on Earth. 


12. 純素者=真正的人類。|Vegan = True Human. 


13. 純素者=愛的行動。|Vegan = Love in Action. 


14. 別只當個領導者,要成為偉大的領導者=持純素的領導者!|Don’t be just a leader, be a great one = a vegan leader! 


15. 成為一個非凡的領導者=持純素領導者!|Be an extraordinary leader = a vegan leader!


16. 最大的勝利是征服自己=大獲全勝=改掉吃肉的習慣!|The greatest victory is conquering oneself = win big = defeat all meat habits!


17. 持純素:聰明人的專屬。|Vegan: For the smart people only.


18. 為世界和平吃純素,好愛吃純素!|Vegan 4 world peace, love it! 


19. 持純素的領導者=可以信任的人。|Vegan leader = someone you can trust.


20. 持純素的領導者=可以信賴的人。|Vegan leader = someone you can rely on. 


21. 持純素:聰明人的選擇|Vegan: intelligent people choose it. 


22. 持純素領導者,酷!|Vegan leader, cool! 


23. 持純素領導者,讚!|Vegan leader, wow! 


24. 持純素的領導者們,沒有人會懼怕他們,所有人都愛他們!|Vegan leaders, none fears them, all love them! 


25. 持純素的領導者:真正賜予和平者!|Vegan leader: real Peace giver! 


26. 持純素的領導者:值得信賴的保證!|Vegan leader: trustworthy guaranteed!


27. 持純素的領導者:帶給世界好運!|Vegan leader: luck for the world! 


28. 純素領袖=明智的領袖。|Vegan leader = wise leader. 


29. 純素領袖=必是好領袖。|Vegan leader = sure good leader. 


30. 純素領袖=人民的領袖。|Vegan leader = The people’s leader. 


31. 純素領袖=傳奇領袖!|Vegan leader = legendary leader! 


32. 持純素的領導者=天堂敬愛的領導者!|Vegan leader = Heaven’s beloved leader! 


33. 持純素的領導者=永遠的真正領導者。|Vegan leader = true leader of all time.


34. 純素領袖=真正的英雄。|Vegan leader = true hero. 


35. 純素領袖=閃亮的寶石。|Vegan leader = shining jewel. 


36. 持純素的領導者:世界上最珍貴的禮物。|Vegan leader: a precious gift 4 the world.


37. 純素領袖:勝利的領袖。|Vegan leader: victorious leader. 


38. 純素領袖:模範領袖。|Vegan leader: exemplary leader. 


39. 純素領袖:真正救世主!|Vegan leader: true lives saver! 


40. 持純素,最佳點子!|Vegan, any better idea! 


41. 純素生活方式=真棒!|Vegan lifestyle = way to go! 


42. 持純素:英勇者專屬!|Vegan: for the brave only! 


43. 純素者=有良知的人。| Vegan = the conscientious human. 


44. 純素者=和平勇士。| Vegan = the peaceful warrior. 


45. 持純素=真正的善良!|Vegan = real kindness! 


46. 持純素=生命饋贈行動。|Vegan = life gifting action.


47. 純素者=世界的保護者。|Vegan = protector of the world. 


48. 純素者=諸天堂的最愛。|Vegan = favorite of Heavens. 


49. 純素者=上帝真正的小孩!|Vegans = God’s true children! 


50. 純素者=萬物的摯友!|Vegan = all beings’ best friend! 


51. 純素者=雙手無血腥!|Vegan = no blood on your hands! 


52. 持純素=信仰宗教之法。|Vegan = way of religions. 


53. 純素者:在天上與人間都長生。|Vegan: long life here and in Heavens. 


54. 持純素=高貴靈魂專屬。| Vegan = for the noble souls only. 


55. 純素者:真正有愛心的人。|Vegan: for the true loving heart only. 


56. 持純素=氣候最佳解決方案。|Vegan = climate best solution.


57. 純素者=上帝的選民!|Vegan = for the God-chosen! 


58. 純素者=思想純潔者。|Vegan = for the pure in mind. 


59. 純素者=愛護所有上帝造物。|Vegan = for the love of all God’s creation.


60. 持純素=因為我們是人道者。|Vegan = because we are humane humans.


61. 持純素=因為我們強壯又仁慈。|Vegan = because we are strong but benevolent.


62. 持純素=因為我們厭惡壓迫!|Vegan = because we detest oppression!


63. 持純素=因為我們保護手無寸鐵者!|Vegan = because we protect the defenseless!


64. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更聰明!|Vegan side effect: you will b smarter! 


65. 持純素的附帶作用:您會變苗條!|Vegan side effect: you will b slim!


66. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更健康!|Vegan side effect: you will b healthier!


67. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更受到喜愛! Vegan side effect: you will b more loved!


68. 持純素的附帶作用:您會享有更多平靜!|Vegan side effect: you will have more peace!


69. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更年輕!|Vegan side effect: you will look younger!


70. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更快樂!|Vegan side effect: you will b happier! 


71. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更加精力充沛!|Vegan side effect: you will have more energy! 


72. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更有吸引力!|Vegan side effect: you will b more attractive! 


73. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更成功!| Vegan side effect: you will b more successful! 


74. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更強壯!|Vegan side effect: you will b stronger!


75. 持純素的附帶作用:您會更有耐力!|Vegan side effect: you will have more stamina!


76. 持純素的附帶作用:您會長壽!|Vegan side effect: you will live long.


77. 持純素的附帶作用:您的免疫力會提昇!|Vegan side effect: you will have more immunity!


78. 持純素=天堂屬於您!|Vegan = yours is Heaven! 


79. 持純素=萬物都開心。|Vegan = all will b gladdened. 


80. 持純素=真正的文明。|Vegan =true civilization.


81. 持純素=去天堂的路。|Vegan = road to Heaven.


82. 純素者=真正的紳士。|Vegan = true gentleman.


83. 純素者=高貴的皇子。|Vegan = noble royal prince.


84. 純素者=天堂誠摯邀請您。|Vegan = Heaven beckons.


85. 純素者=當之無愧的人。|Vegan = worthy human.


86. 持純素,您最佳的選擇!|Vegan, what else man!


87. 持純素,完全合理。|Vegan, makes perfect sense.


88. 持純素,人人都了解。|Vegan, all understand.


89. 持純素,四海之內皆朋友。|Vegan, all become friends. 


90. 持純素,聖人,加入我們吧?|Vegan, are u in, saint?


91. 持純素,因為我們保護溫順者。|Vegan, because we protect the meek.


92. 持純素,因為我們保護無自衛能力者。|Vegan, because we protect the defenseless.


93. 持純素,因為我們譴責謀殺。|Vegan, because we condemn murder.


94. 持純素,因為動物也像我們一樣愛和平。|Vegan, because the animals also love peace as we do.


95. 持純素,因我們為欺侮無助者而感到愧疚。|Vegan, because we are ashamed to bully the helpless.


96. 持純素,因為我們為生而為人而引以為豪。|Vegan, because we are proud to be human.


97. 持純素,因為我們不能那麼殘忍。|Vegan, because we can’t be that cruel.


98. 持純素,因為我們不能那麼無明。|Vegan, because we can’t be that ignorant.


99. 持純素,因為我們不能成為殺手。|Vegan, because we can’t be a killer.


100. 持純素,因為動物也和我們一樣能感受痛苦。|Vegan, because the animals also feel pain as we do!


101. 持純素,因為我們不想被那麼殘忍地對待。|Vegan, because we don’t want to be treated so cruelly.


102. 持純素,因為我們由內到外都是愛。|Vegan, because we are love inside out.


103. 持純素,因為我們不是野蠻的穴居人!|Vegan, because we aren’t savage cave men!


104. 持純素,因為我們厭惡戰爭。|Vegan, because we hate war.


105. 持純素,因為我們為萬物尊重正義。|Vegan, because we respect justice for all.


106. 持純素,因為我們不是野獸。|Vegan, because we are not a beast.


107. 持純素,因為我們秉持善良。|Vegan, because we uphold kindness.


108. 持純素,因為我們有教養。|Vegan, because we are educated.


109. 持純素,因為我們也想被尊重和被愛。|Vegan, because we also want to be respected and loved.


110. 持純素,因為我們有一顆人類的心。|Vegan, because we have a heart of humans.


111. 持純素,因為我們不是惡魔!|Vegan, because we are not demons!


112. 持純素,因為我們想要天堂。|Vegan, because we want Heaven.


113. 持純素,因為我們害怕地獄。|Vegan, because we fear hell.


114. 持純素,因為我們是精英。|Vegan, because we are elite.


115. 持純素,因為我們是一流的。|Vegan, because we are high class.


116. 持純素,因為我們是文明的。|Vegan, because we are civilized.


117. 持純素,因為我們無需為生存而殺生。|Vegan, because we don’t need to kill to live.


118. 持純素,因為我們心地善良。|Vegan, because we are kind at heart.


119. 持純素,因為我們不能容忍殘忍。|Vegan, because we can’t condone cruelty.


120. 持純素,因為所有生命和我們一樣喜歡活著。|Vegan, because all love to live as we do.


121. 純素者:言行合一!|Vegan: walk the talk!


122. 持純素:絕對是天堂!| Vegan: absolutely Heaven!


123. 持純素:我們加入了!|Vegan, we are in!


124. 持純素:您還在等什麼?| Vegan: why are you waiting?


125. 持純素:紳士之道。|Vegan: way of the gentlemen.


126. 持純素:優雅的表現。|Vegan: way of the elegant.


127. 純素者:天國近在眼前。|Vegan: Kingdom of God at hand.


128. 持純素:仁慈之道。|Vegan: way of the benevolent.


129. 持純素=問心無愧。|Vegan = clean conscience.


130. 持純素:因為我們不要謀殺。|Vegan: because we are not for murder.


131. 純素領袖=正確管理者。|Vegan leader = the right ruler.


132. 純素領袖:慈悲的管理者。|Vegan leader: the compassionate ruler.


133. 純素領袖:真正崇拜上帝者。|Vegan leader: the true God worshiper.


134. 純素管理者:您可以為之投票者。|Vegan ruler: one you can vote for.


135. 純素領袖:可以永遠管理的人。|Vegan leader: one who can rule forever.


136. 純素領袖:除了他,您還有誰可以找?|Vegan leader: Who else are u looking for?


137. 純素領袖:人民的磐石。|Vegan leader: The rock for the people.


138. 純素領袖:太優秀了!|Vegan leaders: They rock!


139. 純素領袖:行動者和風雲人物。|Vegan leader: mover and shaker.


140. 純素領袖:無畏的英雄。|Vegan leader: the fearless hero.


141. 純素領袖:赤子之心。|Vegan leader: no heart is purer.


142. 純素領袖:世界頂級管理者。|Vegan leader: top world ruler.


143. 純素領袖:世界一流管理者。|Vegan leader: World-class ruler.


144. 純素領袖:民心所向。|Vegan leader: hearts stealer.


145. 純素領袖:治癒創傷者。|Vegan leader: wounds healer.


146. 純素領袖:人民的摯愛。|Vegan leader: love of the people.


147. 純素領袖:您的最佳選擇!| Vegan leader: who else!


148. 純素領袖:未來是屬於他們的!|Vegan leaders: they are the future!


149. 純素領袖:世界的傳奇人物。|Vegan leader: Legend of the world.


150. 純素領袖:扭轉局勢。|Vegan leader: game changer.


151. 純素候選人:迫不及待為之投票!|Vegan contender: Can’t wait to vote for!


152. 純素領袖:世界頂級燈塔!|Vegan leader: Top beacon of the world!


153. 純素男士:多帥啊!|Vegan man: how handsome!


154. 純素女士:大受歡迎!|Vegan woman: in high demand!


155. 純素者:領路的火炬手。|Vegan: guiding torchbearer.


156. 純素企業:聰明的企業家。|Vegan business: smart entrepreneur.


157. 純素者:智慧的標誌。|Vegan: sign of intelligence.


158. 純素者:我們為您加油。|Vegan: we cheer you on.


159. 純素者:越來越年輕!|Vegan: Younger than b4!


160. 純素者,愛您的人!|Vegan, who loves you man!


161. 純素者:我們為您起立鼓掌。|Vegan: take the standing ovation.


162. 持純素:為了將來的選擇。|Vegan: choose it for your future.


163. 持純素:所見的最棒改變。|Vegan: see the best change.


164. 純素者:我們想親吻您的手。|Vegan: we would like to kiss your hand.


165. 純素者:您真了不起。|Vegan: you are our man.


166. 純素者:引領真正美好的變革。|Vegan: leading the real good change.


167. 持純素:延年益壽。|Vegan: extra life span.


168. 純素者:我們祝賀您!|Vegan: our congratulations!


169. 持純素:人生最棒變化。|Vegan: the best life change.


170. 持純素:聽來像天堂!|Vegan: sounds like Heaven!


171. 持純素:我們等待已久的改變。|Vegan: for the change we’ve been awaiting.


172. 持純素:因為我們憎惡謀殺。|Vegan: because we hate murdering.


173. 持純素:因為我們就是變革本身。|Vegan: Because we are the change. 


174. 持純素=終止一切殺戮!|Vegan=ends all killing!


175. 持純素=止住心痛!|Vegan=stop the heart wrenching!


176. 持純素:讓我們都做真正的人。|Vegan: Let’s all be real humans.


177. 持純素=讓我們證明自己是人類。|Vegan = Let’s prove we are humans.


178. 持純素=雙手無血腥。|Vegan = no blood on your hands.


179. 持純素:您還在等什麼?|Vegan: What 4 r u still waiting!


180. 持純素:因為我們不能容忍謀殺!|Vegan: because we don’t condone murder!


181. 持純素,因為我們不希望血濺自身。|Vegan, because we don’t want blood spilled for our body.


182. 持純素,因為那是唯一恰當的生活方式。|Vegan, because that’s the only befitting lifestyle.


183. 持純素,因為我們不是嗜血的野蠻人!|Vegan, because we are not bloodthirsty savages!


184. 持純素,因為我們不希望口中滴血。|Vegan, because we don’t want dripping blood in our mouth.


185. 持純素:最體面的生活方式!|Vegan: the most decent way to live!


186. 純素替代品?持純素。|Vegan alternative? Vegan.


187. 替代持純素?別無他途。 Vegan alternative? None.


188. 辯論不吃純素?您會輸。|Vegan argument? You will lose.


189. 反對純素者?野蠻派。|Vegan opposition? Barbarous party.


190. 純素者:諸天的親屬。|Vegan: relatives of Heavens.


191. 純素者:慈悲的領袖。|Vegan: leader of compassion.


192. 持純素,因為我們保護無辜者。| Vegan because we protect the innocents.


193. 持純素,因為主說:汝不得殺生。|Vegan because the Lord says: thou shall not kill.


194. 持純素,因為我們不是謀殺者的幫兇。|Vegan because we are not murder-accomplices.


195. 持純素,因為我們文明。|Vegan because we are civilized.


196. 持純素,因為國家有動物保護法!|Vegan because nations have laws to protect the animals!


197. 持純素=遵守動物保護法。 Vegan=we abide by the animal protection laws.


198. 持純素,因為我們不是偽君子。|Vegan because we are not hypocrites.


199. 持純素=阻止氣候變遷的最佳方法。|Vegan=the best way to halt climate change.


200. 持純素=種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆!|Vegan=As we sow, so shall we reap!


201. 持純素,因為我們不喜歡地獄。|Vegan because we don’t love hell.


202. 持純素,因為我們有慈悲心。|Vegan because we have compassion.


203. 持純素,因為我們不是野獸。 Vegan because we are not beasts.


204. 純素者=真正的男子漢。|Vegan=real macho man.


205. 持純素=做得漂亮。|Vegan=way to go man.


206. 純素者=歡迎來天堂。|Vegan=welcome to Heaven.


207. 純素者=您太聰明了!|Vegan=you are just brilliant!


208. 純素者=健康充滿活力。|Vegan=b healthy and vibrant.


209. 純素者=健康長壽。|Vegan=be healthy and live long.


210. 純素者=成為聖人!|Vegan=becoming a saint!


211. 持純素=不想成為病人。|Vegan=don’t want to be a patient.


212. 持純素=不想要任何痛苦!|Vegan=don’t want any pain!


213. 持純素=雙手無血腥!|Vegan=no blood on our hands!


214. 純素者=眾生最佳朋友。|Vegan=all beings’ best friend.


215. 持純素:好醫生的推薦。|Vegan: good doctors recommend.


216. 純素者=上帝真正小孩。|Vegans=true God’s children.


217. 持純素=功德無量。 |Vegan=your merit is immense.


218. 純素者=得到淨化者。|Vegan=a purified person.


219. 純素者=走在開悟之路上。|Vegan=walk the way of the enlightened.

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中華祖仙歷史一萬年大清萬歲 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
印度的健康指南 (作者:愛是唯一的宗教信仰)


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