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討論區/零食/食品 文章

主題: Re:Chocolate~
作者: whatever
文 章 編 號: 第 63036 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/06/13 10:49:48
閱 讀 次 數: 815
此篇文章 回應: 62184 (serenessh)
回應此篇的文章: 63119
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So are you guys saying Chocolate is not a Vegetarian snack?

What about O Henry? and other popular ones in the market?

>【 在 ssh 的大作中提到: 】

>Just like you; I also crazed about chocolate. But I don’t buy it from outside market, I bought a receipt book “Crazy for chocolate” to guide me, and I did it myself, it is safe and convenience, you can put the ingredient what ever you can add and ignore those you not supposed to add.



>>【 在 sleepypanda 的大作中提到: 】


>> I am a chocolate lover and not until recently I found out that one of the products called "picnic" (chocolate bar) has the ingredent of Emulsifier 471. So I was so worried and wrote an email to the chocolate company "Cadbury" and asked them about which emulsifers among their chocolate products that has animal parts. Then after I sent the email for like half hour ago a lady gave me a call regards to my question. She told me that only emulsifer 492 is made of vege or animal. So I don't have to worry about the other emulsifers. I was wondering whether that is true or not. Coz from the vegetarian information board here emulsifer 471 is included on the list which vegeatarian cannot eat. Anyone there can be sure about which emulsifers we cannot eat?! I would be glad to know ^_^ thanks~

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Re:請幫忙--對考生的素食建議 (作者:whatever)


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