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討論區/素食的疑惑與定義 文章

主題: Re:你為何堅持吃素?
作者: 愛吃素的小 寶寶
文 章 編 號: 第 71041 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/08/09 2:59:47
閱 讀 次 數: 1325
此篇文章 回應: 60493 (mountain)
推文人氣: (0)


really?but why i read from book,it said if we all are vagetarian,then people in Africa won't have no food to eat,our food in the earth will much balance because we don't need use too much terrain to grow aniaml,because people want to eat meat so we have to use lots of terrain to grow food for animal,but food still not enough to grow them,so that FOOD won't balance.ACTUALLY,meat waste too much social cost than to be a vagetarian.


Trouble?NO,my sisiter-in-law and my mom love to cook vagetable for me,they said to cook in vagetarin style is much more eaiser than cook in meat,and much clean than cook with blood meat!!!


And about this,I have a BIG question mark,I have a short stay in OKLAHOMA city,(that's why I type in english,gee,my english is so lowsy...)my classmates come from ISREL,SAUDIA ARAIBA,and CHILI,only CHILI has no belief,they all eat meat,but they are really kind,gentle,and very nice people,though I am a vagetarin,but I,m not sure Im more 慈悲than them!!!Food style maybe not too much influence in this issue!!!!

NO matter we are meat eater or vagetarin,we all need to learn from good side,BUT,I am 100 percent to support that we had better to eat vagetabe!!!!

>【 在 mountain 的大作中提到: 】
















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