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上一篇:拯救地球的時間,又多七個月    下一篇:歡迎寫信給現在八大工業國(G8)
主題:80天伊甸園再現 含原文總篇數 1
原       文
作者: hongchie
發表日期:2008/06/14 22:12:14
文章編號:201675   推文人氣指標: (0)

6/13) 收看無上師電視台的新聞http://www.suprememastertv.com/webtv/







(1) 同修問最近世界的災難是否都與人類殺害動物有關 ?


     師父答 : 不論從因果法律或科學實證都說明, 種什麼因,  得什麼果, 殺害無辜者必受果報 !!!!


                     動物並沒有傷害我們牠們也是上帝的孩子 !!!!  


(2) 同修問如果全世界的人從現在開始吃素, 多久可以看到成效 ?


      師父答 : 差不多 60 天就可以看到, 八週世界就會變的不同,  伊甸園再現,和平降臨!!!!


精彩詳細內容將會在6/ 22-23, 2008 6/ 21-22, 2008 播放



6/ 22-23, 2008:

On Words of Wisdom:

“Save the Animals, Save our Earth”

Monaco – May 4, 2008




6/ 21-22, 2008

On Between Master & Disciples:


Supreme Master Ching Hai: “If the world were to go 100% vegetarian right now, the good effect of it would be seen within more or less 60 days. 60 days. Things would be more lushful, abundant. People will feel happier, even without reasons. They will not know why they feel happy. And food will be enough everywhere. Rivers will run, plentiful again. Disasters will cease. Heaven will smile on humans and good wishes will be fulfilled. That is a kind of Eden, yes.”


Please tune in to Supreme Master Television's Between Master and Disciples on Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22, 2008 for the full broadcast of this special videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with multi-subtitles.


Eden on Earth through Vegetarianism”

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and our Association members in Surrey, United Kingdom

June 12, 2008

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