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主題:辛普森電視劇轉變為素食主義者,傳播素食理念給大眾 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2015/10/13 19:36:10
文章編號:230112   推文人氣指標: (0)


海洋塑膠污染已達危機等級。恆定分享~其實平日少用些塑膠袋 多用環保杯環保袋^_^
和少購物  也或許海邊淨灘當義工會更有幫助
Report: Plastic pollution in the ocean is reaching crisis levels
Plastic has infiltrated the ocean’s ecosystem, from plankton to whales.
There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic trash in the world’s oceans,
and each year, 8 million tons of plastic are added to the count. That’s
equivalent to one municipal garbage truck pulling up to the beach and
dumping its contents every minute. Though the oceans seem vast enough
to stomach a lot of plastic, the level of waste is starting to reach a crisis
point: According to a new report by the Ocean Conservancy, in partnership
with the McKinsey Center for Business and Environment, by 2025, the
ocean could contain one ton of plastic for every three tons of finfish.
All these floating bits of plastic–from micron-sized plastic pieces to those
six-pack can rings–not only disrupt marine ecosystems, but they also
poison the global supply of seafood. “It’s reaching crisis proportions,”
says Andreas Merkl, CEO of the Ocean Conservancy. “Plastic breaks down
into small pieces that look like plankton and is eaten by everyone from
plankton to whales.” Plastic acts as a pollution sponge in the ocean,
so when wildlife ingest pieces, the plastic might as well be a poison pill.
The new report calls for a focus on improving waste management systems
in a handful of developing countries that are most responsible for the
plastic leakage into the ocean. China, Indonesia, the Philippines,
Thailand and Vietnam contribute more than half of the oceans’
plastic since their waste infrastructure hasn’t kept up with rapid
industrialization. “We can concentrate on the places where the plastic
is hitting the ocean,” Merkl says. “Five countries would solve half the problem.”
On average, only about 40% of waste in these countries is actually
picked up for disposal. But it’s not just uncollected waste floating
around–though that is three-fourths of the problem. The other
quarter of the oceans’ plastic came from post-collection activities.
Even when a waste management company picks up waste to landfill it,
poorly insulated landfills or illegal dumping mean that trash
still ends up in the ocean.

OCT. 12 2015 


 “Lisa the Vegetarian,” the Simpsons Episode
That Changed the Image of Vegetarians on TV

Lisa Simpson meets an adorable lamb in Lisa the Vegetarian.Screengrab from
Fox When Paul and Linda McCartney agreed to appear on The Simpsons,
showrunner David Mirkin decided to buy the proud vegetarians a gift.
Before flying to England to record the couple’s lines for their cameo,
Mirkin, who’d recently stopped eating meat due to his love of animals
and health and environmental concerns, stopped at a New York City
health food store and picked up a container of his favorite turkey substitute.
This was the mid-1990s. Such products weren’t as prevalent as they are now.
Mirkin guessed that the McCartneys would enjoy trying something they
might not be able to find in the United Kingdom. After checking into his
hotel in London, then taking a 90-minute car ride to Paul and Linda’s
estate in Sussex, Mirkin gave them the present.
“I figured they would very carefully try it,” said Mirkin, a “dangerously
obsessive” Beatles fan, “and I turn around and the two of them are eating
it directly out of the container, shoving it into their mouths and shoving
it into each other’s mouths because they loved it so much.” This would’
ve caused him to swell with joy if he wasn’t so worried that in transit the
turkey alternative had spoiled. His immediate thought, Mirkin remembered,
was: I might’ve just killed Paul and Linda McCartney.
Happily, they survived. And after the voice recording session, Paul gave the
smitten Mirkin a tour of his home studio and talked about vegetarianism,
a subject that not coincidentally was the center of the Simpsons episode
in which the McCartneys would be featured. Doing the animated series,
Linda told Entertainment Weekly at the time, gave them the chance “to
spread the vegetarian word to a wider audience.”
Vegetarians previously had been portrayed in pop culture, but rarely as
anything but one-dimensional hippies. “Lisa the Vegetarian,” which aired
on Oct. 15, 1995, was something different: a conversion story, told from
the point of view of the person becoming a vegetarian. Lisa, the moral
center of The Simpsons, spends the episode wrestling with what it means
to eat meat. Her agonizing journey mirrors the one experienced by many
in real life. After all, the decision to give up meat typically is not made
lightly. “It’s like taking a dog’s bowl away from a dog, the way that
he’ll growl at you,” Mirkin said. “It’s exactly that. When you talk to
people about not eating meat, if they could, they would make that sound.”
“Lisa the Vegetarian” marked one of the first times on television that
vegetarians saw an honest depiction of themselves—and of the viscerally
defensive reaction that meat-eaters often have to vegetarianism.
One day in the writers’ room, where what was for lunch was a frequent
topic of discussion, writer David X. Cohen took out a piece of paper and
scribbled down this question: “Lisa becomes a vegetarian?” Mirkin
loved Cohen’s idea, and he saw it as opportunity to get Paul McCartney
on The Simpsons. Ringo Starr and George Harrison already had guested
on the show, but enticing Paul would require an idea with which he could
connect personally. Cohen’s initial draft for “Lisa the Vegetarian”
actually didn’t include the McCartneys, but they were written in when
the couple expressed interest in the concept. Their only condition was
that Lisa must remain a vegetarian for the remainder of the series.
Cohen, for one, was ecstatic. This was his first full-length Simpsons script.
Of the many he’s written, he said, it’s the only one “that really strongly
affected the entire future of the show.” Lisa has indeed remained a
vegetarian for the past 20 years.
The episode began by confronting, in Cohen’s words, the “segregation
we have in our mind between the animal and the meat.” Lisa befriends a
preposterously cute lamb at a petting zoo, and at the dinner table that
night, she can’t bring herself to indulge in Marge’s lamb chops. “This
is lamb,” Homer responds, “not a lamb.” Marge suggests other
carnivorous food options, but Lisa can no longer think of meat without
imagining the animal it comes from. (When her mom mentions hot dogs,
Lisa imagines them as being made from a rat tail, a pigeon head, raccoon
paws, and the tongue of a leather boot. It’s an all-time great Simpsons
sight gag.)

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ACN's Vague Promotional VideoHomer naturally becomes Lisa’s meat
-worshipping foil, a figure many new vegetarians have to deal with when
they first decide to give up meat. Homer reacts to his elder daughter’s
newly proclaimed vegetarianism incredulously, asking if that means she’
ll never be eating bacon, ham, or pork chops again. When Lisa exclaims
that those all come from the same animal, Homer says, “Yeah right, Lisa.
A wonderful, magical animal.” Cohen based Homer’s part of the exchange
on a speech legendary Simpsons writer John Swartzwelder—who
incorrectly was rumored to have been the inspiration for Parks and
Recreation’s Ron Swanson—once gave about the wonders of the pig.
Over the course of the episode, Lisa attempts to fight social pressure to
eat meat, which takes exaggerated forms. Her request for a vegetarian
lunch meal in the cafeteria results in triggering Springfield Elementary’s
Independent Thought Alarm. She’s forced to sit through a Troy
McClure-narrated educational film entitled Meat and You: Partners in
Freedom (“Number 3F03 in the ‘Resistance is Useless’ Series”) in
which a small boy is given a traumatizing slaughterhouse tour. Lisa’s
even harangued by her own family members, who at one point start a
conga line and repeatedly sing the now famous line, “You don’t win
friends with salad!”
But the episode doesn’t cast Lisa as a virtuous hero surrounded by
ignoramuses. The morality of “Lisa the Vegetarian” is more complicated
than that. Mirkin said that when some vegetarians first stop eating meat,
“They become militant and they want everyone to switch with them.”
He wanted Lisa to reflect this tendency, and for her anger and stubbornness
to be palpable. Yeardley Smith, who voices Lisa, is amazing throughout,
delivering the character’s lines with a tremendous amount of exasperation.
Eventually, Lisa becomes so fed up that at Homer’s painstakingly planned
barbecue she drives a tractor into a smoker containing a whole roast pig,
which eventually ends up airborne and lost forever.
Mirkin also wanted the episode to show that giving up meat isn’t the
same as embracing a life of self-restraint. “I’m not a heroic vegetarian,”
Mirkin said. “I could only do it when the veggie food became as good as
all the crap that I used to eat.” By the final act, Lisa is so anguished and
regretful that she caves and bites into a Kwik-E-Mart hot dog. What she doesn’t
know is that it’s made of tofu, since Apu, the store’s owner, is a vegetarian. “
No meat whatsoever,” he says. “And only thrice the fat of a normal hot dog.
I made the switch and nobody noticed.” Apu, who’s actually a vegan,
advises Lisa not to take such a hard line, telling her that he’s learned to “
tolerate others rather than forcing my beliefs on them.” He also introduces
her to the McCartneys, who talk to Lisa about their vegetarianism and tell her,
“if you play ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ backwards, you’ll hear a recipe for a
really ripping lentil soup.” (The song plays over the credits of the episode,
and if you play them backwards, you actually can hear Paul reading Linda’
s recipe for lentil soup.)
“Lisa the Vegetarian” ends with a rare Simpsons occurrence: Lisa apologizes
to Homer. In the end, the episode embraces the validity of vegetarianism
but also comes down against narrow-mindedness, whether on the part of
meat-eaters or vegetarians. Mirkin said that the crunchy premise drew
the ire of some viewers, but it’s otherwise a beloved classic. “Lisa the
Vegetarian” won both an Environmental Media Award and a Genesis Award,
the latter of which is given by the Humane Society of the United States. To
this day, Mirkin still hears from people who say that the episode made them
feel understood as vegetarians.
Paul and Linda, who died of cancer in 1998, loved the way it turned out. After
“Lisa the Vegetarian” aired, Mirkin got a call from their assistant. The
couple was in New York City and wanted to know where they could
find Mirkin’s favorite meatless turkey. 


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