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主題:偶像演員,雷神索爾The Thor 克里斯漢斯沃 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2022/07/20 20:18:50
文章編號:235494   推文人氣指標: (0)

偶像演員,雷神索爾The Thor聲名大噪克里斯漢斯沃(Chris Hemsworth)

為了茹素的 Natalie Portman,Chris Hemsworth 拍吻戲前特意做了這個貼心舉動!



Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images and Don Arnold/WireImage

Chris Hemsworth 與 Natalie Portman 主演的電影《雷神索爾:愛與雷霆 Thor: Love and Thunder 》從釋出預告片開始就吸引外界的高度關注,不但被粉絲捕捉到 Marvel 的失誤,反派 Christian Bale 的現身也令討論度持續高企。近日兩位主演就馬不停蹄地出席不同場合宣傳,而在一個電台訪問中,Natalie Portman 就透露了 Chris Hemsworth 一個窩心的舉動!


Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Disney

Tessa Thompson 與 Natalie Portman 作客《Capital Breakfast with Roman Kemp》的節目,大談拍攝時的趣事,其中 Natalie Portman 的一席話就成為了話題。Natalie Portman 一向有茹素的習慣,由於 Chris Hemsworth 得知她是一名素食者,因此在二人拍攝吻戲前,他特意在當天早上也放棄吃肉,改為吃素,以防止 Natalie Portman 在拍吻戲時感到不適。Natalie Portman 表示其實自己從未提出這個要求,也並非會因為嗅到對方口中的氣味而感到不快,而且 Chris Hemsworth 是一名名副其實的「食肉獸」,十分喜愛吃肉,因此他這次的犧牲和貼心讓她感到十分感動!


Image from《雷神索爾:愛與雷霆 Thor: Love and Thunder 》

同場的 Tessa Thompson 也驚嘆:「我不知道他竟然能放棄吃肉,我看見他今早才吃了牛肉!」Chris Hemsworth 一向是圈中的好男人代表,為人不但風趣幽默,更十分顧家,曾在 2019 年表示為了投放更多時間陪伴家人,因此選擇「暫別」演藝圈。

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Chris Hemsworth stopped eating meat before filming a kiss with vegan 'Thor' costar Natalie Portman

By Scottie Andrew, CNN



Updated 1826 GMT (0226 HKT) July 13, 2022

Natalie Portman said "Thor" himself, Chris Hemsworth, stopped eating meat before they filmed a scene in which their characters kiss, knowing that Portman is vegan.

Natalie Portman said "Thor" himself, Chris Hemsworth, stopped eating meat before they filmed a scene in which their characters kiss, knowing that Portman is vegan.

(CNN)Chris Hemsworth is every bit as super offscreen as the Marvel hero he plays, according to his fellow actors -- even ditching his daily dose of meat before shooting a scene in which he kissed his vegan costar in "Thor: Love and Thunder," Natalie Portman.


The actress, who reprised her role as Jane Foster in the new "Thor" film, and costar Tessa Thompson discussed Hemsworth's kindness during a recent appearance on the UK radio series "Capital Breakfast with Roman Kemp." The hosts grilled the two guests on whether Hemsworth had any hidden flaws behind the muscle and charm, but Portman and Thompson had nothing but pleasant things to say about the Marvel mainstay.

"The day we had a kiss scene, he didn't eat meat that morning because I'm vegan," Portman said of Hemsworth. "He eats meat like every half hour ... he was just being thoughtful."

'Thor: Love and Thunder' doesn't rekindle the spark that 'Ragnarok' ignited

Hemsworth may not actually consume a full meal of meat every half hour, but he does eat 10 meals a day, around 4,500 calories, to maintain the God of Thunder's bulking figure, trainer Luke Zocchi said in a video of Hemsworth's intense training regimen.

Portman, meanwhile, has adhered to a vegan or vegetarian diet for most of her life, she's told multiple publications over the years. While she didn't insist that Hemsworth stop eating meat before their onscreen kiss, she said, it was a considerate gesture.

Thompson agreed with Portman that Hemsworth is overall a lovely coworker, even when he's experiencing a bout of hunger-fueled irritation.

"He does get grumpy and he does get 'hangry,' but he's still sweet," Thompson told the hosts of "Capital Breakfast."

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