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上一篇:台灣是全世界的台灣。和世界做鄰居。我可以。    下一篇:薩迪奧·馬內:足球場上的謙遜天才
主題:和平為侍奉大眾之本阿彌陀佛、觀音菩薩請保護台灣與中國 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2022/08/02 18:05:36
文章編號:235529   推文人氣指標: (0)


祝福愛好和平者多幫助地球母親三贏  中國同志修行  台灣同胞行善加油


和平為侍奉大眾之本(十集之二) 2020.09.16



🙏阿彌陀佛、觀音菩薩…💖請保護台灣與中國—都保有目前擁有的和平、幸福與繁榮|🙏Quan Yin Bodhisattva… protect Taiwan and China to have peace









And because of the terrifying situation of the war, and the suffering,

the blood flowing of their own people, in the long run, whoever makes

war will have to pay the price of burning in hell. This is not escapable.

And all this energy will be brewing before that and during the war and after the war, and that will make the war leaders sick or encounter misfortune of great magnitude,

and will be falling in many different ways. Even though they might win

in the beginning, war is never a recommendation for any conflict.


Because Taiwanese people are peaceful; they are not doing any harm to anybody. They try to help as much as they can in their capacity. Therefore, the Taiwanese

people have very much merit in the eyes of Heavens. So whoever harms them

would make trouble for themselves, like shooting themselves in the toes.

And I don’t think any smart government, so powerful like the Chinese government,

would try to make war with a little Taiwanese island. 

I wish all the Taiwanese people the best. I wish the countries of Taiwan and China all the best and peace, happiness, prosperity, the way you are having right now.

I wish you keep that and develop more – more inside spiritually, more practicing goodness, benevolence, compassion. More veganism, so your countries will even

have more and more merit to sustain peace, happiness and prosperity for all.

May Heaven protect you all and help you to elevate your spiritual consciousness.

So be it. Amen. 

🙏Amitabha Buddha, Quan Yin Bodhisattva, protect Taiwan and China.

Please, thank You. Thank You all, the Saints and Sages and Buddhas

who protect Taiwan and protect China, protect their brotherly relationship.

Thank You.

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上一篇:台灣是全世界的台灣。和世界做鄰居。我可以。    下一篇:薩迪奧·馬內:足球場上的謙遜天才

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