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主題:30年拿20億種樹! 台灣樹王賴桑全送地球 含原文總篇數 6
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/03/15 8:12:24
文章編號:232019   推文人氣指標: (0)




祝福  一切順心 好運、成功

30年拿20億種樹! 台灣樹王賴桑全送地球

2015/04/12 12:57







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無人機新用途 每天可種樹10萬棵

作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/08/20 19:53:37
文章編號:232461 篇  此篇回應:第 232309 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

無人機新用途 每天可種樹10萬棵


(BioCarbon Engineering)


BioCarbon Engineering Concept of Operations - YouTube

This is an excellent example of how drones can be used to repair the damage 
done by years of legal and illegal deforestation.  Let's hope these scaleable
solutions get under way soon.

更新: 2017-08-20 3:05 PM    


緬甸居民一直在伊洛瓦底江(Irrawaddy River)的三角洲種植紅樹林,試圖





這些由英國初創公司「生碳工程」(BioCarbon Engineering)開發的無人機










(seed pod)射出,可迅速插入目標地點的土壤中,其誤差僅在幾公分的範圍內。












The Prayer Vegan Heaven 釋 天 唐 祈 福 ♥❄✡純素生活✟創造和平🎂 卍Swastika 🌍Be Vegan,Make Peace🌍 ✡ Veganism Is Paradise♥素食主義是天堂✡ 敬愛尊貴的 聖德 佛菩薩~您好~您的來信敬悉感恩 ,謝謝! 上帝與您時刻同在^_^㊗主內福佑 平安喜樂 ☼Remember God★環保♻️愛寰宇 銀河系 金星🌍 ★如果全世界都吃素,戰爭與飢荒將停止, ★讓愛與和平從我們心裡開始。 建設性的言語開創肯定的未來。 ♥藥師佛 釋 天 唐 祈禱佛光無暗。 無上正等正覺庇益一切眾生,如來身意供養天。 淨化布施為一種修行、布施貢獻不求回報、 無私付出使知識長進、擇友正念光榮棟樑、 尊貴敬愛鈞座佛菩薩∼護宥 環保 愛素 不殺生。 Please Save Our One Earth.The Heart of ASIA亞洲之心

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請少喝瓶裝水、請勿任意丟棄垃圾 守護海神聖愛

作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/06/28 8:02:54
文章編號:232325 篇  此篇回應:第 232224 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

請少喝瓶裝水、請勿任意丟棄垃圾 守護海神聖愛




請守護海神的聖愛 天地君親師 籲請發揮公德心

海邊淨灘 環保志工敬啟


聖人樂活公益素食天空ForeverVeganLohasSkyUnion ♥聖人樂活公益素食天空祈禱永遠純素世界:素食者所產生性情上的改變和淨化,對人類都有相當好的利益, 素食對人類很吉祥。觀音網站「美饌佳餚」 網頁設計師 祝您新的一年廚藝進步,生活吉祥^_^ ♥印度勝雄甘地說:如果你希望世界發生改變,就先改變自己吧!我們應該給我們的下一代做出傳播以愛、 同情心以及對我們的“家園”的尊重、感恩和愛護的榜樣。修改自己就是修改世界∼ ♥ "請加入我們一起來打坐祈求純素世界,世界和平" 請您盡量多打坐 祈禱以正面能量保護地球 全球共修時間一起打坐祈禱以愛心全心向天堂祈求 純素生活,創造和平 .願神聖恩典與幸福充滿您的心靈 ♥佛讚 ♥無上正等正覺利益世界所有眾生,分享是一種無我修行、布施貢獻是不求回報、 無私使知識長進、善念共存共享之、謝謝尊敬鈞長∼您無條件的大愛∼發揚純樸良善民風∼ 光福佑全球亮起來 不印紙本出版環保 愛素 拯救雨林和樹木


在 SaintForeverVeganLohasSkyUnion聖人樂活公益素食天空祈禱永遠純素世界中分享了


和平曙光分享了 udn.com 聯合新聞網影片



#小琉球 #海洋 #減塑生活 #島人 #島人海洋文化工作室

影片授權: 島人。Islander

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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/06/24 23:06:39
文章編號:232309 篇  此篇回應:第 232078 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

科學家利用太陽能把鹽水變成淡水,便宜到每個人家都能使用! - 讚新聞
Aquiva foundation 

Aquiva foundation
Membrane Distillation is the chosen technology of Aquiva Foundation
to fight the worlds water crisis through sustainable desalination of sea water and saline 
groundwater. It involves the utilisation of waste heat to provide a robust and energy neutral solution.


師兄夜晚舒心 隨喜功德 ♡ ♻️校園綠傳輸,集氣來種樹🌲  環保愛地球 ♻️


💋作家 #吳晟 👉🏻https://youtu.be/12-zntMgwhM
💋作家 #劉克襄 👉🏻https://youtu.be/rPFUC1dQoUQ

#翰林數位94狂 😎 https://m.facebook.com/hanlinppbox/
#翰林官網 👏 https://www.hle.com.tw
#翰林行動大師 ♻️👍 https://edisc.hle.com.tw
#翰林綠校網 ♻️❤️ https://green.hle.com.tw/
#支持校園綠傳輸減少光碟危害 ♻️💪

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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/05/30 21:41:02
文章編號:232224 篇  此篇回應:第 232221 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)


聖人樂活公益素食天空ForeverVeganLohasSkyUnion ♥


聖人樂活公益素食天空祈禱永遠純素世界:素食者所產生性情上的改變和淨化,對人類都有相當好的利益, 素食對人類很吉祥。觀音網站「美饌佳餚」 網頁設計師 祝您新的一年廚藝進步,生活吉祥^_^ ♥印度勝雄甘地說:如果你希望世界發生改變,就先改變自己吧!我們應該給我們的下一代做出傳播以愛、 同情心以及對我們的“家園”的尊重、感恩和愛護的榜樣。修改自己就是修改世界∼ ♥ "請加入我們一起來打坐祈求純素世界,世界和平" 請您盡量多打坐 祈禱以正面能量保護地球 全球共修時間一起打坐祈禱以愛心全心向天堂祈求 純素生活,創造和平 .願神聖恩典與幸福充滿您的心靈 ♥佛讚 ♥無上正等正覺利益世界所有眾生,分享是一種無我修行、布施貢獻是不求回報、 無私使知識長進、善念共存共享之、謝謝尊敬鈞長∼您無條件的大愛∼發揚純樸良善民風∼ 光福佑全球亮起來 不印紙本出版環保 愛素 拯救雨林和樹木




祝福  一切順心 好運、成功

2017/05/29, 生活



Abby Huang

現任 關鍵評論網新聞組採訪編輯

 電子發票、紙杯原來不能丟「紙類回收」?造紙公會點破台灣回收迷思 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網








BBC英倫網、聯合新聞網報導,外帶咖啡杯的隔溫紙套上經常印有「100% recycled」的字樣,然而百分之百可以回收處理的,實際上就只是那個紙套,咖啡紙杯本身,無法回收。

咖啡紙杯無法回收,是因為做紙杯的硬紙,為了能防水,混入了聚乙烯(polyethylene, PE)。從技術上說,是可以將聚乙烯從紙杯中分離的,因此咖啡連鎖店可以聲稱紙杯「可回收」。但是要將聚乙烯從紙杯中分離出來,普通的回收處理工廠做不到,需要送到專門的紙杯回收處理工廠。而根據統計,被回收到紙杯回收處理工廠的外帶咖啡杯,全英國只有300萬個,但英國咖啡紙杯年消耗量卻多達30億個,回收率可能只有0.1%。















家門口拜拜燒金紙 環保局:依法可罰10萬元


影音訂閱: 三立財經    




傻眼!家門口燒金紙 環保員:要罰10萬元 






傻眼!家門口燒金紙 環保員:要罰10萬元


傻眼!家門口燒金紙 環保員:要罰10萬元 


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Simple Vegan 少年打算種一兆棵樹救地球,目前已種

作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/03/27 8:40:06
文章編號:232078 篇  此篇回應:第 232019 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

和平曙光分享Simple Vegan 少年打算種一兆棵樹救地球,目前已種140億棵!

聖人樂活公益素食天空ForeverVeganLohasSkyUnion ♥聖人樂活公益素食天空祈禱永遠純素世界:素食者所產生性情上的改變和淨化,對人類都有相當好的利益, 素食對人類很吉祥。觀音網站「美饌佳餚」 網頁設計師 祝您新的一年廚藝進步,生活吉祥^_^ ♥印度勝雄甘地說:如果你希望世界發生改變,就先改變自己吧!我們應該給我們的下一代做出傳播以愛、 同情心以及對我們的“家園”的尊重、感恩和愛護的榜樣。修改自己就是修改世界∼ ♥ "請加入我們一起來打坐祈求純素世界,世界和平" 請您盡量多打坐 祈禱以正面能量保護地球 全球共修時間一起打坐祈禱以愛心全心向天堂祈求 純素生活,創造和平 .願神聖恩典與幸福充滿您的心靈 ♥佛讚 ♥無上正等正覺利益世界所有眾生,分享是一種無我修行、布施貢獻是不求回報、 無私使知識長進、善念共存共享之、謝謝尊敬鈞長∼您無條件的大愛∼發揚純樸良善民風∼ 光福佑全球亮起來 不印紙本出版環保 愛素 拯救雨林和樹木




和平曙光分享了 Best Video You Will Ever See 的影片

少年打算種一兆棵樹救地球,目前已種140億棵! - 讚新聞
Children call at the UN for a common fight for their future - Felix Finkbeiner is speaking(en,fr,de)
We plant trees for a better world. Help us children to save our future. - Plant-for-the-Planet


Felix Finkbeiner and children of the Plant-for-the-Planet Initiative are speaking at the UN to open international year of forests 2011

Mit einem Klick auf das "cc" Logo könnt ihr euch das Video nun auch mit deutschen Untertiteln anschauen.

En cliquant sur le « cc » logo vous pouvez maintenant également regarder la vidéo avec sous-titres français.



充滿我(生命河靈糧堂 含經文禱告旁白 國語詩歌)
充滿我(生命河靈糧堂 含經文禱告旁白 國語詩歌)
如鹰展翅上腾 Soar on Wings Like an Eagle

我的心 唯有祢 我的靈 渴慕祢
我全人 獻給祢 以全心 讚美祢

舉雙手 敬拜祢 深深說 我愛祢
我的神 我的主 我渴望 親近祢

充滿我 澆灌我 使我靈 得滿溢
充滿我 潔淨我 更新我

充滿我 滋潤我 讓祢愛來圍繞我
我一生 我一世 屬於祢

Best Video You Will Ever See

3月24日 0:00 · 

She will never see her baby again. Please don't support this.

Learn more at Milk Hurts.

祝福  一切順心 好運、成功  

Footage: http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=9229&catId=1


Harvard Hosts Vegan Conference

By Anna Starostinetskaya | ?? 24, 2017

Students will discuss the bioethical implications of the vegan diet at the sixth annual Ivy League Vegan Conference hosted by Harvard Vegan Society Student Group.


The Harvard Vegan Society Student Group (HVSSG) will host the sixth annual Ivy League Vegan Conference from March 24 to March 26, 2017. Sponsored by vegan meal delivery company Purple Carrot and Whole Foods Market, the conference will welcome 400 attendees from a variety of disciplines to discuss peer-reviewed studies on the health, environmental, and bioethical implications of consuming a plant-based diet. Speakers will include former White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administrator Cass Sunstein, Harvard Medical School professor Walter Willett, and Yale-Griffith Prevention Research Center founding member David Katz. “We take particular pride in having non-vegans in both our speaker lineup and audience,” HVSSG board member Matt Hayek said, “a testament to the growing relevance of veganism and its future role in society.” Last year, Harvard students launched the “Veguary Challenge”—a campaign meant to inspire colleagues to eat less meat during the month of February. Similarly, fellow Ivy League university Yale incorporated the offering of vegan options in school dining halls as a “core value” of the university in 2016.

祝福  一切順心 好運、成功   《奔向愛我的神》




和平曙光分享了 Simple Vegan Blog 的貼文



Our recipes are really simple, at least most of them. They’re usually ready in 30 minutes or less, so today we want to share with you some of our favorite 30-minute (or less) vegan savory recipes.“I don’t have time” is not an excuse for cooking and eating healthy, there are so many simple and easy recipes we can make. You can also make big batches of legumes and healthy carbs once a week and you can make a delicious meal in just a few minutes.


Hope you like them!1.- Vegan Thai soup.


Vegan Thai Soup.- You only need one pot to make this delicious vegan Thai soup. It's made with easy to get ingredients and you can add your favorite veggies.


2.- Pasta primavera.


Pasta Primavera.- This pasta primavera recipe is perfect for spring, although you can make it any time of the year using what's in season.


3.- Cauliflower risotto.


Cauliflower Rice Risotto.- This delicious cauliflower rice risotto is lighter than the traditional risotto because is made with cauliflower instead of rice and is also vegan.


4.- Vegan Sloppy Joes.


Vegan Sloppy Joes.- These delicious sloppy joes are vegan, super easy to make and require less than 30 minutes. I think they are the best sandwiches I've ever tried!


5.- 5-Minute letil dip.


5-Minute Lentil Dip. - This 5-minute lentil dip is so tasty and really smooth. Eat it with some crudités, bread or tortilla chips or use it to make delicious sandwiches or toasts.


6.- Vegan mashed potatoes.


Vegan mashed potatoes


7.- Vietnamese spring rolls.


Vietnamese spring rolls - We're making these Vietnamese spring rolls at least one or twice every week because they're so refreshing, easy to make and perfect for summer!


8.- Vegan pumpkin Alfredo.


Vegan Pumpkin Alfredo. - This vegan pumpkin Alfredo is super creamy, lighter than the traditional one, so simple and is ready in less than 20 minutes!


9.- Quinoa stir fry with vegetables.


Quinoa Stir Fry with Vegetables. - Save some time cooking big batches of quinoa or rice to make healthy meals during the week, like this quinoa stir fry with vegetables. It's so tasty!


10.- Creamy vegan cauliflower soup.


Creamy vegan cauliflower soup. - This creamy vegan cauliflower soup is so light and simple and although cauliflower is not one of our favorite veggies, we really enjoy this amazing recipe.


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March 22, 2017 at 20:53

These all look great!

Thank you,




Iosune says

March 24, 2017 at 16:51


Hi ! Thanks a lot 😀 Have a nice day!

Simple Vegan Blog

3月25日 17:00 · 


10 delicious, vegan recipes ready in 30 minutes or less. "I don't have time" is not an excuse for cooking and eating healthy.

Recipes: http://svgnb.com/2n3QZ9z

The Vegan Punk

20170325Experience: my chickens saved my life I thought, if they can cope with the trauma they have experienced, then I’ve got to find the strength myself



"The hens accept me. They calm me down and I feel that, through the horrors in both their lives and mine, we connect."



祝福  一切順心 好運、成功

‘Bizarrely, one day, a friend asked if I’d ever thought about adopting ex-battery hens.’ Photograph: Shaw & Shaw for the Guardian

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Paul Checkley

Friday 24 March 2017 14.00 GMT Last modified on Saturday 25 March 2017 00.10 GMT

I took my first overdose at 11, my second at 18 and my third just after my 21st birthday. It was a cry for help. I had lovely parents, but I was desperately unhappy.


I was sexually abused at the age of eight, in the 1960s. I was afraid I’d get the cane if I told a teacher, so I didn’t tell anyone. When my parents found out, all hell broke loose. The abuser went to jail, but I never spoke about it. I couldn’t face it.


I left school at 15 and worked for Royal Mail, first as a telegram boy and then as a postman. We’d finish at 12.30pm and go straight down the boozer. I’d have three or four pints, five, sometimes. Alcohol masked my depression, and by my early 30s I had become dependent. If I got bladdered, I could kick the demons out. One Christmas, I drank 48 cans of Carling in two days. I ended up in hospital. The doctor said, “You either pack in the drinking or you’ll die.”



Busy week? Sign up for Weekend Reading

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That’s when, aged 34, I went to rehab and there followed six years without a drink. I lost six stone in weight and started cycling 15 miles to work and back. I’d never felt so fit.


Then, in 1997, I fell in love. It was a beautiful sunny day, we’d been to the Cotswolds and I had a beer. One became two, two became three… It was the ladder to oblivion.


In 2006, nine years later, I had a full psychotic breakdown. I was out with my dad and he said, “You don’t look well, son.” I remember feeling nauseous, my whole body trembling. Next thing I knew, I woke up in a psychiatric unit. I spent two months in hospital, then had treatment with support in the community.


I retired from Royal Mail on medical grounds, after 33 years, and filled my time volunteering for various charities. Then, in 2011, I suffered PTSD after I was beaten up in broad daylight. It was an unprovoked attack and I became paranoid, couldn’t sleep and began to self-harm – it was a way of coping.


I became a virtual recluse, and would let only a handful of trusted people into my home. Then, bizarrely, one day, a friend asked if I’d ever thought about adopting ex-battery hens. I looked at him as if he was stupid. He said, “They have a horrendous life, and you’ve suffered a horrible life.” He thought I would benefit from looking after them.


I had always felt good around animals, and I’ve got a huge garden, so I contacted the local rescue centre and went down for a look. It was like something from a horror story. The hens were in such a state: they had no feathers and the bottom of their beaks had been cut off. It shocked me to tears.


I took in four hens to start with, and they changed my life. I quickly realised that these hens depended on me, and that gave me a purpose. I thought, if they can cope with the trauma they have experienced, then I’ve got to find the strength myself.



Experience: I rescued a man dangling from a chairlift

 Read more

They were terrified at first, but the first time they ran out of that coop, flapping their wings, was one of the most pleasurable moments of my life. I’ve now got three coops, a 12ft run, a brand new fence, 13 hens – and counting. I’ve got space for 30. I have spent a fortune on lettuce, porridge and corn on the cob. Live meal worms cost £11 a kilo, but they love them. I’ve probably spent about £3,500 so far, but the joy the hens give me is immense. They jump on my trousers, sit on my shoulders, they make me smile. I hadn’t properly smiled in 40 years. Even my psychiatrist said, “Paul, this is the best I’ve seen you.”


I’d never spoken about the abuse, locking it away in the back of my mind, but one day last August I broke down and told my psychiatrist everything. The hens had made me feel I could be more open. When I heard them clucking, I thought, if they can still speak after what they’ve been through, so can I.


One of the most crippling aspects of mental health is the desperate loneliness and discrimination from some members of society. The hens accept me. They calm me down and I feel that, through the horrors in both their lives and mine, we connect. As ridiculous as it sounds, they give me what I need.


• As told to Ruth Addicott.

Do you have an experience to share? Email experience@theguardian.com


Life and style


Mental health




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