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主題: 純素食在北美成為了主流
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 236112 篇
發 表 日 期: 2023/08/18 13:56:47
閱 讀 次 數: 180
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Evolving vegan 


現在請聽SMTV. 加拿大觀眾高登的心聲:
















Sharing Positive Changes Happening in the Media World: Vegan Is Going Mainstream in North America



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And now we have a heartline from Gordon in Canada:


Dear Beloved Master, Thank You for Your unconditional Love and immense Blessing to my second-home country.


I have noticed many subtle, yet significant advancements in recent years, such as the ban on farming mink-people, expanding public funds for alternative protein development, thriving vegan communities, booming plant-based businesses, and most importantly, we are incredibly fortunate to have Supreme Master TV accessible to every household via satellites, cable channels, and smart devices.

In addition to that, I would love to report very positive news. Vegan is going mainstream in North America with “Evolving Vegan” – the world’s 1st vegan TV show is now aired on one of the largest Canadian TV networks. This fantastic show is hosted by a vegan mega-star actor – Mena Massoud, and based on his inspirational book of the same title. “Evolving Vegan” aims to showcase the shift towards a compassionate and sustainable plant-based diet that is taking place in the real world now. It also encourages people to learn about and adopt this noble lifestyle. The show takes the audience on an immense journey to discover the wonders of the vegan world, with many eye-pleasing and mouth-watering dishes widely available everywhere, from street stalls, food trucks, plant-based restaurants, fast-food chains, and Michelin Star-level establishments.


It reminds me of Your enchanting show – “A Gift of Love,” where I can find many tasty vegan dishes from different countries for various occasions. And I no longer find being vegan a rigid, expensive lifestyle but a fun, reasonable, and even spontaneous adventure to discover a simple, yet nutritious, way to benefit oneself and others. Through “Evolving Vegan,” I also learned that the plant-based diet had gained significant traction since the 2010s and has accelerated phenomenally over the past five years. Many restaurants now include vegan options as must-have items on their menus. Interestingly, most visiting customers are non-vegan and are likely to return or even consider adopting the plant-based diet if they find more tasty vegan options elsewhere.

Beloved Master, I hope the success of “Evolving Vegan” will be replicated worldwide to break flesh-eating habits and shed light on a new, green, and compassionate lifestyle. I pray to Heaven for Your joy, health, and protection, and I look forward to Your perfect vision of a vegan utopia. Your loving disciple, Gordon from Canada


Positive Gordon, We thank you for your encouraging heartline. It is always great to hear good news!


Master has this heartfelt message for you: “Hopeful Gordon, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful development. I love to hear about positive changes happening in the media world. Veganism is the simple yet most important answer for the current pressing environmental, social, health, and economic issues on Earth. The level of wisdom, love and kindness in our world would be exponentially higher just from that one change. I am astounded that no government has the courage to actually make policies that alert the public to the necessity of adopting a vegan diet. We pray many more people in the media and the world at large join us in promoting World Vegan, World Peace, so that we can avoid the destruction of the planet. May you and the benevolent Canadian people be ever inspired by the noble presence of God.”

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