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上一篇:世界第一吃素大國=印度航空只供應素食    下一篇:素食主義盛行 英語怎樣說“吃素”?
主題:把英國倫敦變成 純素的 ∼喜迎純素新年快樂 含原文總篇數 2
原       文
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/01/26 23:58:17
文章編號:231831   推文人氣指標: (0)

把英國倫敦變成 純素的 ∼喜迎純素新年快樂

 #蔬食 者。祝福  一切順心 好運、成功

WildAid Taiwan 2016【周杰倫-鯊魚篇】中文版
天王歌星 拒吃魚翅 沒有買賣就沒有殺生 沒有生產就沒有消費



和平曙光分享了 VEGUE 唯素主義影片


----- 這公益廣告的  看法和我之前陳情給前任  天龍國  最尊貴敬愛的大台北首都市長
食品博士   郝龍斌先生∼
陳情在北市捷運站放吃素 環保 拯救地球母親的文宣很像
後來郝  博士 在他食品營養學最新的書籍中改版了對於 
 素食者的營養先知 醫學新聞 齋藥看法
新聞報社上都有記錄∼郝龍斌  國民黨的副主席  中午是練習吃素的  宗教信仰是媽祖∼
很多的我國政府高官  或政治人物也吃素的福爾摩沙台灣仙島的
許多國會立委民意代表       因為有下次選票 連任的壓力
特別    拜託很多媒體新聞朋友  即使知道他們也吃素  靜心 打坐修禪
但不要宣傳他們名字 和吃素的相關事蹟 默默行善。
譬如時代百大 台灣之光 吃素的賣菜  陳樹菊  阿嬤。

很多 新聞  電視廣播上的報社媒體朋友自己也吃素∼但不說自己是。
因為 擔心網友評論或被他人取笑。所以換個說法說∼老公崇尚自然。
自己因為某些理由讓愛美的女生肌膚好。或更健身美容瘦身 練瑜珈中。

Please Make UK Great 


Again.  請讓英國再次偉大∼

低調做公益    因為英國吃素的王妃黛安娜 死於狗仔飛車追逐的車禍後。。。

UK威爾斯王妃戴安娜(英语:Diana, Princess of Wales,1961年7月1日-1997年8月31日)
,全名戴安娜·弗兰茜斯(英语:Diana Frances),

亦是威廉王子和哈利王子的親生母親。 黛安娜出生於英國貴族家庭,

VEGUE 唯素主義
Famous People | People Categories | Veganuary


Veganuary 純素一月公益團體,主要在英國推廣純素,
呼籲倫敦人嘗試純素飲食與生活,並參與純素一月的活動 ~😇




更多詳情請上 www.veganuary.com


13,964 次觀看

Meg Jones 和 Shufen Chen 及 Paul Bashir1月23日 12:34 ·  

精彩街頭辯論: 動權人士遇上前來挑戰的藥師 8-)

Activist Paul Bashir's Responses to a Non-Believer

🎯 人道?迷思! goo.gl/PQDwGh

🎯 認識維生素B12: goo.gl/W1GXd8

🎯 全美最長壽居民是純素食者: goo.gl/cQrNvU

🎯 The Humane Myth: goo.gl/PQDwGh

🎯 Learn about Vitamin B12: goo.gl/W1GXd8

🎯 Balanced Vegan Diet Is the Best: goo.gl/cQrNvU

— — —
via Paul Bashir: goo.gl/OLthXn
Shufen Chen 譯


祝福 一切順心 好運、成功
素 日本素食網購平台 Greens Vegetarian !


在眾天神 您提昇這個星球與宇宙之際,天堂繼續地保護您,

you will know how you can live in Zen, breath in Zen, eating in Zen,sleeping in Zen, working in Zen, wash dishes in Zen, do everything in Zen;

寧可食無肉:聯合國憑甚麼要我吃素? | 文化視角 | 轉角國際 udn Global





「吃素救地球」、「周一無肉日」:究竟減少肉食攝取,可以對環境有哪些助益? 圖/法新社分享



















聯合國底下的各個機構,年年倡導大幅削減日常肉食攝取,以降低全球溫室氣體的排放量。...聯合國底下的各個機構,年年倡導大幅削減日常肉食攝取,以降低全球溫室氣體的排放量。 圖/路透社分享












牲畜飼養造成的溫室氣體,部分來自反芻動物(牛、羊)本身所排放的甲烷(CH4),以...牲畜飼養造成的溫室氣體,部分來自反芻動物(牛、羊)本身所排放的甲烷(CH4),以及動物排泄物產生的氧化亞氮(N2O)。 圖/路透社分享














在南美洲,牛隻放養和大豆種植是熱帶雨林消失的主要原因;一張空照圖顯示鄰近巴西聖塔...在南美洲,牛隻放養和大豆種植是熱帶雨林消失的主要原因;一張空照圖顯示鄰近巴西聖塔倫(Santarem)的熱帶雨林因砍伐已逐漸消失。 圖/路透社分享














各地大量的、未經處理的動物排泄物,也因此成為地區性空氣(有毒異味)和水土的關鍵汙...各地大量的、未經處理的動物排泄物,也因此成為地區性空氣(有毒異味)和水土的關鍵汙染源。 圖/路透社分享














畜牧產業鏈的用水量,包含集約養殖的飲用水、穀物飼料種植使用的水資源、清潔養殖場和...畜牧產業鏈的用水量,包含集約養殖的飲用水、穀物飼料種植使用的水資源、清潔養殖場和屠宰場...等等,遠大於植物飲食。 圖/路透社分享



















都有可能二度感染野生魚類。 圖/美聯社分享






(動物產業對動物和工人而言) 在任何一個環節上都是一個極其殘忍的體系。










2016年12月10日,西班牙動物權利倡議者聚集在馬德里的街上,手持動物的屍體,...2016年12月10日,西班牙動物權利倡議者聚集在馬德里的街上,手持動物的屍體,抗議畜牧場惡劣的養殖環境。 圖/美聯社分享


動物權利倡議者將自己包裝成賣場架上的冷藏肉食,提醒大眾畜牧產業鏈背後的環境危機。...動物權利倡議者將自己包裝成賣場架上的冷藏肉食,提醒大眾畜牧產業鏈背後的環境危機。 圖/路透社分享









以能源、環境、人口和糧食生產研究著稱的加拿大學者斯米爾(Vaclav Smil),在他的著作《我們應該吃肉嗎?》中,計算出有節制的合理肉食,大約是每人年均25-30公斤,包含奶蛋。飲食研究權威,有著美國「飲食界良心」稱謂的作家麥可.波倫(Micheal Pollan),在其紀錄片《畜牧業的陰謀》(Cowspiracy)中也指出差不多的數字:一人一年37.6公斤(83磅)的奶蛋肉總和。依照目前的一般的食肉(奶蛋)量而言,「周一無肉日」需要改成「周一才能吃肉」,而且是一餐或是最多兩餐食肉



到底多少肉食是可被接受、是地球的生態所能承載的?圖為巴塞隆納拒吃肉食的倡議活動。...到底多少肉食是可被接受、是地球的生態所能承載的?圖為巴塞隆納拒吃肉食的倡議活動。 圖/法新社分享


許多研究報告皆顯示,一旦掌握全食物植物性的飲食知識,減少肉食攝取只會促進健康,不...許多研究報告皆顯示,一旦掌握全食物植物性的飲食知識,減少肉食攝取只會促進健康,不會危害健康。 圖/路透社分享




多位世界著名的權威營養學家和醫生,包括被譽為「營養學界愛因斯坦」的克林坎貝爾博士(T. Colin Campbell、飲食調理師考德威爾耶瑟斯亭醫生(Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn)等人,從人體健康和預防疾病的角度出發進行研究,證實了「全食物的植物性飲食」(whole food plant-based diet)——尤其是注重豆科類植物和全穀物——能夠預防、逆轉退化性的疾病(例如心臟病、糖尿病、癌症),並且協助專業運動員達成最佳的運動表現和體能狀態。一旦掌握全食物植物性的飲食知識,減少肉食攝取只會促進健康,不會危害健康。





在當前的狀況下如欲透過課稅來補償動物性食品對氣候的損害,牛肉需增稅40%、乳製品...在當前的狀況下如欲透過課稅來補償動物性食品對氣候的損害,牛肉需增稅40%、乳製品20%、羊肉15%、雞肉8.5%、豬肉7%、蛋5%。 圖/路透社分享


那麼,該怎麼辦?聯合國登高一呼,肉食文化就能說放就放棄嗎?當然沒那麼簡單;但也正因此,「肉稅」(Meat Tax)的概念,才成為各國討論的政策熱點。









現階段希望讀者還是能在享用肉食、讚嘆肉食的美好滋味之際,能夠不放棄思考各種與飲食...現階段希望讀者還是能在享用肉食、讚嘆肉食的美好滋味之際,能夠不放棄思考各種與飲食選擇相關,去成為改變的可能性。 圖/路透社 

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我們攜手憐憫動物 全球國際市調 牛奶代替品成長2022年1

作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/07/13 16:28:37
文章編號:232370 篇  此篇回應:第 231831 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)


我們攜手憐憫動物 全球國際市調 牛奶代替品成長2022年19億美金

和平曙光分享了憫惜動物 / MFA - China 的貼文

憫惜動物 / MFA - China 20170714 

[ 蛋雞悲歌 ]

我愛動物 我吃純素



7個理由為什麽你該多吃純素食 - 66veg.com



真的! 每天都在實踐自己的理想真讚 ^口^

The Heart of ASIA.

Part of my reason for being vegetarian was because it practices respect and love for life all through the day, so three times a day, you make a decision to eat things that have not been killed.

—Natalie Portman, actress (1981-)


—影星 娜塔莉.波特曼 (1981-)

文字出處:默雨 Hi Vegan

名人素語分享 /

—麥克.克拉佩 醫學博士


VEGUE 唯素主義

全球國際市調 牛奶代替品成長 急速成長  

Be Vegan,Make Peace!!!^_^


國際市場研調公司 Market Research Future (MRF) 預估全球牛乳替代品產業,將於2022年達到19.58億美金的經濟規模。

⭐ "非乳製品產業會走強,主要原因是因為全球化所帶來的消費模式改變"

⭐ "牛乳的缺點、乳糖不適症的知識增長、以及全球純素(VEGAN)消費者趨勢崛起,明顯刺激了牛乳替代品的消費增長。"

MRF 指出 在各式各樣牛乳替代品當中,【大豆豆奶(soy milk)】將會是領頭羊,2017年底預估擁有54.3%的市場。

MRF 也分析出各地區的牛乳替代品市場領導者:
北美 = 美國 | 歐洲 = 德國
亞洲 = 中國 | 其他地區 = 拉丁美洲

MRF 也整併其他知名市調公司的調查結果,綜合評估出純植物性食品明亮的財務大未來:
雞蛋替代品產業:2026年 預估市值 $15億 美金
牛乳替代品產業:2022年 預估市值 $19億 美金
肉類替代品產業:2020年 預估市值 $52億 美金 

VEGUE 唯素主義

7月3日 13:42 · 

減少 / 不使用奶製品已經不只是一種信念,而是一股擋也擋不住的全球趨勢熱潮~💯

美國證券交易所那斯達克 (Nasdaq)新聞表示:近年來業界見證植物奶產值大幅成長,完全是由消費者主動改變消費習慣,所引領且創造出來的純植物食品與飲料新市場。

但是看一大堆數據、報告什麼的... 多無聊啊~XD ~😂
來看全球知名冰淇淋業者 Häagen-Dazs® 也必須因應這股趨勢,一口氣推出四款全新純素VEGAN 無奶、無蛋、無任何動物性成份的冰品:

😍 比利時淡鹽松露巧克力口味
😍 焦糖椰子口味
😍 摩卡巧克力餅乾口味
😍 花生醬巧克力口味

看起來真不賴! 期待台灣上市囉~😘

Häagen-Dazs® 官網資料:

那斯達克 (Nasdaq)植物奶相關新聞資料:

Global Gardens Group – Veggemo Now Available at 1500 U.S. Retailers

By GlobeNewswire,  June 29, 2017, 09:00:00 AM EDT 

VANCOUVER, B.C., June 29, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Gardens Group Inc. (the "Company") (TSX-V:VGM) is pleased to announce that Veggemo has arrived in stores across the U.S. 

After securing the support of the 3 largest natural food distributors (UNFI, KeHE, Market Centre/Unified Grocers), Veggemo can now be found in select Wegmans, Stop & Shop, Giant and  Safeway stores across the U.S.  "We are most impressed by the response to our unique 3-vegetable base and how it is viewed as 'on trend' with our buyer's evaluation of where their consumer is headed," cited Rob Harrison, CEO Global Gardens Group.

Along with these major chains, Veggemo is now available in approximately 1,500 locations across the U.S., with more expected to show up over the next several months. Currently, Veggemo can be found at early-adopting chains in the PacNW (Haggen's, The Markets), Chicago/Wisconsin (Sunset, Pete's, Woodman's, Festival), Southwest (Market Street) as well as hundreds of single/multi-store independent operators across the U.S.

Veggemo has received many awards and accolades…out of over 500 entries was 1 of 3 finalist brands for "Best New Beverage" for the coveted NEXTY Awards at the Natural Products Show in Anaheim, California; and at the same show was voted the "Best New Vegan Product" by VegNews.

Anxious to meet the demand of every consumer, Veggemo is also available on Amazon and soon to be available at select natural food-focused online retailers.

About Veggemo

The Veggemo product line is the first and only non-dairy beverage to originate from vegetables and is Global Garden Group's ( VGM ) showcase product for the dairy-free industry. Veggemo is available in 3 flavors: Original, Unsweetened and Vanilla. The Dairy-free industry continues to witness dynamic growth led by the development of, and the consumer shift to, plant-based food and beverages.

Driven by shifting consumer behavior, Health & Wellness food and beverage companies have become a popular acquisition target for many multi-national corporations.  Most recently WhiteWave Foods, the provider of plant-based foods and beverages, was successfully sold to Danone for $12.5 billion, representing a 3.1x revenue multiple.

About Global Gardens Group

Global Gardens Group is comprised of a highly experienced management team and board that have provided senior leadership to many consumer brands and financial institutions including: Neilson Dairy, Ben & Jerry's and Haagen Dazs ice cream, Gillette, P&G, Cadbury Schweppes, Sunkist, Primo Pasta, Tropicana, Sunny Delight, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Desjardins Securities Inc., Orion Securities Inc., Vengate Capital, HSBS Securities Inc. and Gordon Capital.

For further information, please contact:Rob HarrisonPresident & CEOGlobal Gardens Group Inc.T: 604.351.7609E: rob@globalgardensgroup.com  For information about U.S. sales, please contact: Frank HoodVP, U.S. Business DevelopmentGlobal Gardens Group Inc.T:  360.210.7478E:  frank@globalgardensgroup.com



Source: Global Gardens Group Inc.


This article appears in: News Headlines


Referenced Stocks: VGM

圖片說明有誤 - 抹茶巧克力餅乾口味 修正為 摩卡巧克力餅乾口味




4 search results:

 Chocolate Salted Fudge Truffle Non-DairyIce Cream: Chocolate Salted Fudge Truffle Non-Dairy

Rich Belgian chocolate blended with swirls of salted fudge and chunks of fudge truffles for the ultimate non-dairy indulgence.


 Coconut Caramel Non-DairyIce Cream: Coconut Caramel Non-Dairy

Creamy coconut blended with ribbons of luscious caramel for the ultimate non-dairy indulgence.


 Mocha Chocolate Cookie Non-DairyIce Cream: Mocha Chocolate Cookie Non-Dairy

Coffee and rich Belgian chocolate blended with swirls of cookie crumble and pieces of chocolate cookies for the ultimate non-dairy indulgence.


 Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge Non-DairyIce Cream: Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge Non-Dairy

Our non-dairy Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge blends creamy peanut butter with swirls of chocolate fudge for the ultimate non-dairy indulgence.

Markets and Markets 市調公司調查原文:
Meat Substitutes Market worth 5.96 Billion USD by 2022


Meat Substitutes Market worth 5.96 Billion USD by 2022


The report "Meat Substitutes Market by Type (Tofu & Tofu Ingredients, Tempeh, Textured Vegetable Protein, Seitan, Quorn), Source (Soy-based, Wheat-based, Mycoprotein), Category (Frozen, Refrigerated), and Region - Global Forecast to 2022", The meat substitutes market is projected to reach USD 5.96 Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2016 to 2022.


Browse 78 market data tables and 51 figures spread through 165 pages and in-depth TOC on “Meat Substitutes Market by Type (Tofu & Tofu Ingredients, Tempeh, Textured Vegetable Protein, Seitan, Quorn), Source (Soy-based, Wheat-based, Mycoprotein), Category (Frozen, Refrigerated), and Region - Global Forecast to 2022" 

Early buyers will receive 10% customization on reports.


The market is driven by factors such as increasing health awareness among the consumers, meat adulteration, environmental issues, and various health benefits associated with plant-based meat substitutes. High growth potential in the emerging markets and untapped regions provides new growth opportunities for the market players.


The soy-based meat substitute segment is projected to be the largest during the forecast period of 2016–2022


Soy-based meat substitute the most widely used meat substitute worldwide. Soy protein is derived from soybeans. The use of this soy protein as a functional ingredient is increasing in the food industry. Soy is used as a source of protein in meat substitutes such as tofu, tempeh, miso, textured vegetable protein (TVP), and other tofu ingredients.


Flavors and spices are typically added to increase the sensory quality of the products. Soy meat substitutes are similar to meat, poultry, or fish products in terms of taste, texture, color, and form. Soy burgers, soy turkey, soy bacon, soy chicken, and soy hot dogs are a few popular food products.


The frozen meat substitutes segment is projected to be the fastest-growing segment in the meat substitutes market


The frozen meat substitutes segment is projected to growing at the highest rate during the forecast period, that is, between 2016 and 2022. Frozen meat substitutes help to maintain the nutritional value of food products and retain the flavor and texture. Also, the frozen meat substitutes market is gaining popularity due to changes in purchasing patterns, coupled with fast life styles and the shift from traditional food to convenience food, from small grocery shops to supermarkets, especially in emerging countries such as BRICS and ASEAN. Consequently, significant growth in the convenience food industry, including ready-to-eat foods and ready-to-cook foods, has fueled the growth of the frozen meat substitutes market, globally.


Significant growth in the meat substitutes market is observed in the Asia-Pacific region


Growth in the middle-class population in the region, with increase in disposable incomes and demand for vegetable and nutrient foods are driving the growth of the meat substitutes market. The per capita consumption of meat substitutes in the Asia-Pacific region is driven by growing economies such as China, India, Australia & New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea. A large number of multinational companies have expanded their footprint in these countries, which has also driven the market for meat substitutes.


This report includes a study of marketing and development strategies, along with the product portfolios of leading companies. It includes the profiles of leading companies such as Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) (U.S.), E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (U.S.), Garden Protein International, Inc. (Canada), Amy’s Kitchen Inc. (U.S.), Morningstar Farms LLC. (U.S.), and Quorn Foods, Inc.


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Market Research Future 市調公司調查原文:
Global Dairy Alternative Market Research Report- Forecast to 2022

 Global Dairy Alternative Market Research Report- Forecast to 2022

  • ID: MRFR/F-B & N/1096-CRR
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  • June, 2017
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  • Region: Global
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  • 176 pages
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  • Cooked Research Reports

Global Dairy Alternative Market Information- by Source (Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk and others), by Application (Food, Beverages) by Formulations (Plain, Flavored), by Distribution Channel (Store based and Non store based) and by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the world) Dairy Alternative Forecast to 2022


Report Description
Market Scenario
Dairy Alternative is a substitute of the animal based traditional milk products. Dairy alternative is derived from the plant based milk sources and is lactose and casein free. Dairy alternative is manufactured by using various plant based sources like soy, almond, coconut, rice, hazelnut and many more. Dairy alternative has been created owing to the consumer demand. Today, food intolerances and food allergies have become a major concern for today’s health conscious consumers. Dairy alternative is lactose-free food, which means that the product is free from animal (usually cow’s) milk which contains milk sugar lactose. Plant-based ingredients, such as soy, almond, coconut and rice are majorly used as main source to prepare dairy substitute.
The foodservice industry plays a key intermediary role between producers and processors at one end and consumers at the other end. The consolidation and market concentration of foodservice industry creates multitude of opportunities for the market growth of dairy alternative market. Evolving economic standards and social habits coupled with trend of fast-food consumption has considerably impacted the growth of in-store restaurants, take-away shops, or pub- restaurants. Today, dairy alternative is commercially available in great abundance and is far beyond the concept of convenience. Socio-economic factors, demographic trends, changing dietary pattern, industrial players focusing on youth marketing considering the food habits of youth are certain factors supporting the sales of dairy alternative at the global level. There has been increasing incidence of lactose intolerance across the globe. People who are lactose intolerant lack enzyme (lactase) in their small intestine to break down all of the lactose consumed. Lactose intolerance encompass dairy products allergy, disaccharide deficiency, lactase deficiency or milk intolerance and the partially digested or undigested lactose leads to pain, abdominal bloating, diarrhoea, skin problems, sleep disturbances, tiredness and other health problems. 

Regional Analysis
The global dairy alternative market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the world. Among these, Asia Pacific is projected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. Robust economic growth, rising urbanization, explosion of in the middle class population are the significant factors of the growth of dairy alternative in Europe region. Also, vegan diet is gaining acceptance in the European countries which is anticipated to fuel the growth of dairy alternative during the forecast period. North America region is also projected to register a healthy growth of 14.63% during the forecast period of 2017-2022.

The global dairy alternative market has been segmented on the basis of source such as Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk and others. Soy milk is estimated to account maximum market proportion of 54.3% by the end of 2017. It is projected to retain its dominance during the forecast period of 2017-2022. On the basis of application, global dairy alternative market has been segmented into food & beverages. On the basis of formulations, global dairy alternative market has been segmented into plain & flavored. On the basis of distribution channel, global dairy alternative market has been segmented into store based and non-store based. Store based segment has been segmented into supermarkets & hypermarkets, health & wellness, pharmacy, convenience stores and others.

Key Players
The leading market players in the global dairy alternative market primarily are Blue Diamond Growers (U.S.), Hain Celestial Group (U.S.), Whitewave Foods (France), Sunopta Inc.(Canada), Daiya Foods Inc. (Canada), Galaxy Nutritional Foods, Inc. (U.S.), Tofutti Brands Inc. (U.S.) 

Target Audience

  • Dairy alternative manufacturers
  • Raw material suppliers
  • End users
  • Retailers and wholesalers
  • E-commerce companies
  • Traders, importers and exporters

Key Findings

  • Asia Pacific is estimated to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period and to grow at a substantial CAGR of 14.80%. Among the Asia pacific country, China is accounting maximum market proportion of 25.80% in the Europe dairy alternative market by the end of 2017. This is attributed by the rising lactose intolerance and various allergy.
  • Rising vegan diet trend & urbanization has spurred the growth of dairy alternative market

Regional and Country Analysis of dairy alternative Market Development and Demand Forecast to 2022 Market

As per the MRFR analysis, the global dairy alternative market is poised to reach USD 19.58 Bn in 2022, to grow at a CAGR of 14.55% during the forecasted period.

The reports also cover country level analysis:

North America

  • U.S.
  • Canada
  • Mexico


  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • U.K.
  • Spain
  • Rest of Europe


  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • Australia & New Zealand
  • Indonesia
  • Rest of Asia-Pacific

Rest of the World



2 小時前 · 中華人民共和國 Shanxi 大同市

造型也太萌! 全球首座「熊貓」太陽能發電廠落成
#熊貓 #貓熊 #太陽能 #發電廠


大陸       做事效率好快


吃素節能  減碳,將不再只是一句口號,而是生活的一部分。

中共鼓勵正能量修行 節能減碳 優秀領先十年環保標準
寶島台灣 經濟部綠能配套開啟 , 

希祈 天天都是清海日 歲歲有今朝 日日有平安 佳節如意   ^_^

God Bless the U.S.A.   持純素 創造世界和平 Be Vegan Make Peace.


福斯新聞網:美國醫藥協會20萬醫師聯合呼籲,要求各大醫院停止供應加工肉品等致癌物,改供應蔬食! ~😍😍😍

不久前六月十四日,在美國醫藥協會(AMA)的內部眾議委員會(House of Delegates)年度會議當中,全美20萬醫師聯合發表一段政策聲明:


(1) 供應豐富營養的食物,包括蔬食以及低脂、低糖、低鈉餐點 ~👍
(2) 停止供應加工肉類相關餐點 ~👍
(3) 供應並推廣健康飲料" ~👍

因為目前醫院內所提供的食物,大多都會導致肥胖症、糖尿病、中風以及癌症 --- 而一樣這些疾病的患者們,正在醫院內做治療。~😂


年度會議當中有一位 尼歐•巴納德 (Neal Barnard) 醫學教授 暨 美國醫師責任醫學委員會創辦人(擁有1萬2千多名醫師會員,並大力推廣蔬食),他在會議上把 加工肉類 和 香菸 做比較說:


"而熱狗、培根等其他類似的加工肉品,現在也和香菸一樣,被歸納為可致癌物。任何醫生和行政高層,都希望用更健康的食物來替代這些東西" ~💯

在2015年聯合國衛生組織將加工肉類 以及 香菸 歸納為同一層級的可致癌物,而近年有更多研究證明食肉過量會增加癌症、糖尿病、心臟病等重大疾病風險。~😱


Doctors want sugar and 'cancer-causing' foods out of hospitals

By Christopher WanjekPublished June 26, 2017

  • A major doctors' group hopes to put an end to a great irony served up daily at most U.S. hospitals: The food offered there tends to contribute to obesity, diabetes , heart disease , stroke and cancer — the very same conditions for which many of the hospital patients are seeking treatment.
  • Refried, frozen chicken patties on doughy white bread; greasy pizza slices that turn the paper plate translucent; waxy, flavorless beans poured straight from a can constituting the only vegetable option ; orange drink purporting to have 10 percent real orange … So much for a hospital being a beacon of health.

At its annual meeting on June 14, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates, which represents more than 200,000 physician members, issued a policy statement that called for the reduction of sugar-sweetened beverages and processed meats, and an increase in the availability of healthful, plant-based foods in hospitals. 

Under the resolution, physicians and hospital staff are encouraged not only to counsel their patients about the health consequences of a poor diet but also to lead by example by offering healthier foods at the hospital.

Specifically, the resolution states that the "American Medical Association hereby call on U.S. hospitals to improve the health of patients, staff, and visitors by (1) providing a variety of healthful food, including plant-based meals and meals that are low in fat, sodium, and added sugars, (2) eliminating processed meats from menus, and (3) providing and promoting healthful beverages."

Removing sugary drinks from vending machines and replacing them with water, unflavored milk, and unsweetened teas and coffees may be the easiest place to start making hospital food choices healthier, according to the AMA.

"Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to some of the nation's most debilitating diseases, and limiting the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages will go a long way toward helping people prevent the onset of these diseases, improve health outcomes and rein in health costs associated with chronic diseases," Dr. William E. Kobler, an AMA board member who was part of the policy decision, said in a statement from the organization.

Yet health experts have lamented for years that hospitals' food options, not just the drinks, are unhealthy — a concept that contradicts hospitals' health-oriented mission. A study published in 2002 in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that more than a third of the top 16 U.S. hospitals had contracts with fast-food restaurants to offer their food in the hospital.

Similarly, a 2014 study conducted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit health group of 12,000 doctors who advocate plant-based diets , found that more than 20 percent of the 208 hospitals they surveyed housed fast-food restaurants. The same study found that the cafeteria food in these hospitals, where the staff eats every day, was dominated by foods that were high in sugar, salt and cholesterol, such as processed meats.

Speaking at the AMA meeting, PCRM President Dr. Neal Barnard compared unhealthy food served in hospitals to tobacco. "A generation ago, the AMA supported doctors who were working to get tobacco out of their hospitals. And that helped everyone, especially those patients who needed to break a bad habit," Barnard said in testimony.

Barnard noted that, as with cigarettes, hot dogs and similar processed meats are now known to contain cancer-causing agents . "[M]any doctors and administrators would like to replace them with healthier foods," he said.

The Washington, D.C.-based PCRM started a national campaign in 2016 to encourage hospitals to ban processed meats such as hot dogs, which are a choking hazard for children. Several hospitals have since pledged to remove these foods as a result of the campaign.

The tide may be turning elsewhere, as well. A 2015 study published in the journal Preventive Medicine Reports found that creating hospital gardens for staff, patients and the community can lower rates of obesity in communities they serve and reduce public health disparities by providing more people with easy access to fresh, healthy, plant-based foods . More than 100 hospitals have such gardens, the study found.

So the day might come when you can go to the hospital to fix a broken leg and not have to return for a hospital-food-induced angioplasty.

Other policy resolutions announced at the AMA meeting included reducing the consumption of sugary drinks nationwide, destigmatizing obesity , strengthening vaccine policy and using the phrase "gun violence mitigation" in lieu of "gun control," among 11 other resolutions.

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