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主題:精華 動物性凝乳酵素的做法 含原文總篇數 6
原       文
發表日期:2004/10/11 23:50:00
文章編號:125060   推文人氣指標: (0)





July 1, 2003 -- Vegparadise News Bureau

Kill a Calf, Make a Cheese

Traditionally, the first step in making cheese was to kill a newly-born, milk-fed calf and remove its stomach to make rennet. The rennet was derived from the inner lining of the abomasum, the fourth stomach of the calf or any other animal classified as a ruminant.

After scraping the stomach, the cheesemaker would dry it in the sun by stretching it on a rack. After the stomach was dry, it was cut it into squares or strips. Before the strips or squares were used, they were soaked in cold water and washed thoroughly before being placed in milk.

In an alternative process the strips or squares were dried, then ground, and finally mixed with a salt solution to extract rennin. Rennin is defined in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary as "a coagulating enzyme occurring in the gastric juice of the calf, forming the active principal of rennet and able to curdle milk." The cheese industry prefers a broader definition of rennin, calling it "any enzyme used for the controlled coagulation of milk."

What does rennin or rennet do?

Placed in milk, rennin or rennet breaks down a protein called kappa casein that keeps milk in liquid form. The breaking down of kappa casein leads to coagulation of the milk that will become cheese. Another term used for rennin is chymosin.

Not all cheese is made with animal-derived rennet. There are a number of rennetless cheeses whose coagulating enzymes are vegetable, microbial, or genetically engineered. One group of rennetless cheeses has acidic levels high enough not to require enzymes for coagulation. This group includes cottage cheese, ricotta, and some varieties of mozzarella. Rennetless has also become a generic term for any cheese made without any animal derived enzymes.

Vegetable rennet usually means the enzyme was plant based. The phrase is an oxymoron because rennet implies it is animal derived. To add to the confusion, enzymes produced using microbes are often included in this category. What types of plants have been used to produce these enzymes? In the past, eager cheese makers have utilized plants like lady's bedstraw (Galium verum or curdwort), stinging nettle, fig leaves, melon, safflower, and wild thistle.

Microbial rennet can be produced by fermentation of the fungus Mucor miehe, Mucor Pusillus, and Endothia cryphonectria or from bacteria like Bacillus subililis or Bacillus prodigiosum. This type of rennet cannot be used to make cheddar or hard cheeses.

Genetically engineered rennet arose out of economic necessities. Supplies of animal rennet have always fluctuated and shortages have occurred. Supply problems have led to all types of research including one attempt in 1997 to create rennet from fish stomach mucosa, a waste product of the fishing industry. With bioengineered rennet the supply is always available and less expensive.

The bioengineering process involves taking a calf's prochymosin gene and inserting it into genomes of bacteria and yeast. In 1989 a microbial chymosin first appeared on the FDA's GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) list. In March 1990, after a 28-month review, the FDA approved a bioengineered form of rennin as the first genetically engineered product for human consumption.

According to information obtained from Whole Foods Market, "it is estimated that 70% of domestic cheese (in the United States) is produced with bioengineered chymosin. The producers of bioengineered rennet claim that their process will end the cheese industry's reliance on slaughtered calves.


The problem for vegetarian consumers is determining whether a particular cheese contains animal ingredients. The FDA does not require that the cheese ingredient label denote the type of rennet. The FDA considers it impractical for cheese producers to have variations of labels to indicate what is included in enzyme mixtures. Cheese makers can mix animal, plant, and microbial varieties and just label them "enzymes."

Whole Foods, in a survey of one of its Texas markets, found eight different ways enzymes were listed on cheese packages. They reported the following: enzymes, microbial enzymes (non-animal, rennetless), rennetless, rennet, enzymes and rennet, vegetarian rennet, and microbial coagulants. They found a large portion of the labels just had the word "enzymes." A few of the labels did not list any coagulant. VIP's survey of local market chains found similar results with most cheeses listing the generic term "enzymes" or failing to list any coagulant. Imported cheeses either listed "rennet" or had no ingredient list.

Trader Joe's has produced a colorful pamphlet titled Rennet that is available in all stores. The publication briefly discusses the use of rennet in making cheese and provides information on the types of rennet. Most important, it classes the cheeses they sell by the type of coagulant used. As a bonus they tell which cheeses do not contain rBST (recombinant Bovine Somatotropin), a synthetic Bovine Growth Hormone.

The Solution

Navigating the minefield of cheese seems rather simple for the VIP editors. Eliminate the cheese. If it's made in Europe it's likely to have animal rennet but no rBST. If it is produced in the United States, it's likely to contain rBST and who knows what kind of coagulant. We always recommend that people read labels, but in this case the label may not provide complete or accurate information about the coagulant used.

The ethical dilemma for lacto vegetarians or lacto-ovo vegetarians is eating a product that was produced by killing an animal. Choosing a soy cheese may be a solution for the rennet dilemma, but soy or other types of vegetarian cheeses present their own problems. Many of these imitation cheeses contain casein, a milk protein. Any cheese labeled "vegan" should not contain animal-derived rennet or casein. However, it is important to read the label carefully because some manufacturers may not be aware that certain ingredients are animal-based.

Even though some vegetarian cheeses don't have the mouth feel and elasticity of rennet and casein cheeses, they're healthier and far more humane. Somehow, cutting a calf's stomach into pieces to create cheese, or inserting a calf gene into bacteria and yeast to produce bioengineered cheese is not very appealing. Next time, hold the cheese, please!

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回 應 文 章

作者: 海洋藍
發表日期:2004/10/14 8:45:48
文章編號:125342 篇  此篇回應:第 125341 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

>【 在 海洋藍 的大作中提到: 】








>0.無酵素:部分較酸種類的起士:cottage 起司(鬆軟的白乾酪), ricotta起司(義大利鄉村軟酪),以及mozzarella(義大利白乾酪)的某些種類




>4.基因工程(發展種類多, 目前主要是取出小牛胃部基因置入細菌或酵母菌.故殺生次數減少.),*****目前已知70%美國本土使用本法****. 因也是微生物,會跟3混淆



















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精華 Re:動物性凝乳酵素的做法

作者: 海洋藍
發表日期:2004/10/14 8:21:09
文章編號:125341 篇  此篇回應:第 125112 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)







0.無酵素:部分較酸種類的起士:cottage 起司(鬆軟的白乾酪), ricotta起司(義大利鄉村軟酪),以及mozzarella(義大利白乾酪)的某些種類




4.基因工程(發展種類多, 目前主要是取出小牛胃部基因置入細菌或酵母菌.故殺生次數減少.),*****目前已知70%美國本土使用本法****. 因也是微生物,會跟3混淆







但有時也只是泛指酵素(enzyme),比方是用在vegetable rennet中




















這群包含cottage 起司(鬆軟的白乾酪), ricotta起司(義大利鄉村軟酪),以及mozzarella(義大利白乾酪)的某些種類.






在過去, 熱切的起士製造商利用了諸如蓬子菜lady's bedstraw (蓬子菜Galium verum或凝乳草curdwort),大蕁麻,


微生物rennet的製造通常藉著發酵Mucor miehe, Mucor Pusillus, 以及 Endothia cryphonectria等菌類植物

,或來自於Bacillus subililis 或 Bacillus prodigiosum類的細菌而來.







在1989年一種微生物的chymosin(凝乳酵素)首次出現在美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)的安全可靠(GRAS: Generally Regarded As Saft)表單中.

在1990年三月,為期28個月的複審過後, 美國食品藥物管理局認可一種基因工程形式的rennin為第一種供人類消耗的基因工程產品.

根據(全體食品市場)Whole Foods Market表示,








全體食品(Whold Foods),在ㄧ次關於某德州市場的調查,




微生物性酵素(非動物性, 無rennet:)--microbial enzymes(non-animal,rennetless ),



酵素以及rennet--enzymes and rennet,

素食rennet--vegetarian rennet

以及微生物性促凝劑--microbial coagulants.



VIP對於本地連鎖市場的調查也顯示類似的結果, 大部分的起士僅列出通俗稱呼"酵素--enzymes"


Trader Joe's(譯註:美國ㄧ家天然廠商)已經製作了ㄧ本色彩鮮豔的小冊子,書名叫做"Rennet",在它們所有的商店都供應.



他們還提供額外的補助,告訴大家哪些起士沒有包含rBST(recombinant Bovine Somatotropin基因重組牛科生長激素).

















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發表日期:2004/10/13 18:32:42
文章編號:125250 篇  此篇回應:第 125244 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

Dear frineds


( http://tienlu.homeip.net/tienlu/other/vageerr.htm )



>【 在 CHACHAGIRL 的大作中提到: 】




>Dear Melody


>Thanks for your inquiry. The rennet is derived from the stomach of the calf but the animal is killed to do this. It is considered to be a by-product of the meat industry.


>Yours sincerely


>Mark Berriman




>The Australian Vegetarian Society (NSW)

>PO Box 56

>Surry Hills NSW 2010


>Tel: 02 9698 4339


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發表日期:2004/10/13 17:35:09
文章編號:125244 篇  此篇回應:第 125060 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)



Dear Melody

Thanks for your inquiry. The rennet is derived from the stomach of the calf but the animal is killed to do this. It is considered to be a by-product of the meat industry.

Yours sincerely

Mark Berriman


The Australian Vegetarian Society (NSW)

PO Box 56

Surry Hills NSW 2010

Tel: 02 9698 4339

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作者: 我形我素
發表日期:2004/10/12 13:06:16
文章編號:125112 篇  此篇回應:第 125060 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

英文我只懂一半....請好心的村民 簡略敘說好嗎?

>【 在 CHACHAGIRL 的大作中提到: 】






>July 1, 2003 -- Vegparadise News Bureau



>Kill a Calf, Make a Cheese



>Traditionally, the first step in making cheese was to kill a newly-born, milk-fed calf and remove its stomach to make rennet. The rennet was derived from the inner lining of the abomasum, the fourth stomach of the calf or any other animal classified as a ruminant.


>After scraping the stomach, the cheesemaker would dry it in the sun by stretching it on a rack. After the stomach was dry, it was cut it into squares or strips. Before the strips or squares were used, they were soaked in cold water and washed thoroughly before being placed in milk.


>In an alternative process the strips or squares were dried, then ground, and finally mixed with a salt solution to extract rennin. Rennin is defined in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary as "a coagulating enzyme occurring in the gastric juice of the calf, forming the active principal of rennet and able to curdle milk." The cheese industry prefers a broader definition of rennin, calling it "any enzyme used for the controlled coagulation of milk."


>What does rennin or rennet do?

>Placed in milk, rennin or rennet breaks down a protein called kappa casein that keeps milk in liquid form. The breaking down of kappa casein leads to coagulation of the milk that will become cheese. Another term used for rennin is chymosin.


>Not all cheese is made with animal-derived rennet. There are a number of rennetless cheeses whose coagulating enzymes are vegetable, microbial, or genetically engineered. One group of rennetless cheeses has acidic levels high enough not to require enzymes for coagulation. This group includes cottage cheese, ricotta, and some varieties of mozzarella. Rennetless has also become a generic term for any cheese made without any animal derived enzymes.


>Vegetable rennet usually means the enzyme was plant based. The phrase is an oxymoron because rennet implies it is animal derived. To add to the confusion, enzymes produced using microbes are often included in this category. What types of plants have been used to produce these enzymes? In the past, eager cheese makers have utilized plants like lady's bedstraw (Galium verum or curdwort), stinging nettle, fig leaves, melon, safflower, and wild thistle.


>Microbial rennet can be produced by fermentation of the fungus Mucor miehe, Mucor Pusillus, and Endothia cryphonectria or from bacteria like Bacillus subililis or Bacillus prodigiosum. This type of rennet cannot be used to make cheddar or hard cheeses.


>Genetically engineered rennet arose out of economic necessities. Supplies of animal rennet have always fluctuated and shortages have occurred. Supply problems have led to all types of research including one attempt in 1997 to create rennet from fish stomach mucosa, a waste product of the fishing industry. With bioengineered rennet the supply is always available and less expensive.


>The bioengineering process involves taking a calf's prochymosin gene and inserting it into genomes of bacteria and yeast. In 1989 a microbial chymosin first appeared on the FDA's GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) list. In March 1990, after a 28-month review, the FDA approved a bioengineered form of rennin as the first genetically engineered product for human consumption.


>According to information obtained from Whole Foods Market, "it is estimated that 70% of domestic cheese (in the United States) is produced with bioengineered chymosin. The producers of bioengineered rennet claim that their process will end the cheese industry's reliance on slaughtered calves.



>The problem for vegetarian consumers is determining whether a particular cheese contains animal ingredients. The FDA does not require that the cheese ingredient label denote the type of rennet. The FDA considers it impractical for cheese producers to have variations of labels to indicate what is included in enzyme mixtures. Cheese makers can mix animal, plant, and microbial varieties and just label them "enzymes."


>Whole Foods, in a survey of one of its Texas markets, found eight different ways enzymes were listed on cheese packages. They reported the following: enzymes, microbial enzymes (non-animal, rennetless), rennetless, rennet, enzymes and rennet, vegetarian rennet, and microbial coagulants. They found a large portion of the labels just had the word "enzymes." A few of the labels did not list any coagulant. VIP's survey of local market chains found similar results with most cheeses listing the generic term "enzymes" or failing to list any coagulant. Imported cheeses either listed "rennet" or had no ingredient list.


>Trader Joe's has produced a colorful pamphlet titled Rennet that is available in all stores. The publication briefly discusses the use of rennet in making cheese and provides information on the types of rennet. Most important, it classes the cheeses they sell by the type of coagulant used. As a bonus they tell which cheeses do not contain rBST (recombinant Bovine Somatotropin), a synthetic Bovine Growth Hormone.


>The Solution

>Navigating the minefield of cheese seems rather simple for the VIP editors. Eliminate the cheese. If it's made in Europe it's likely to have animal rennet but no rBST. If it is produced in the United States, it's likely to contain rBST and who knows what kind of coagulant. We always recommend that people read labels, but in this case the label may not provide complete or accurate information about the coagulant used.


>The ethical dilemma for lacto vegetarians or lacto-ovo vegetarians is eating a product that was produced by killing an animal. Choosing a soy cheese may be a solution for the rennet dilemma, but soy or other types of vegetarian cheeses present their own problems. Many of these imitation cheeses contain casein, a milk protein. Any cheese labeled "vegan" should not contain animal-derived rennet or casein. However, it is important to read the label carefully because some manufacturers may not be aware that certain ingredients are animal-based.


>Even though some vegetarian cheeses don't have the mouth feel and elasticity of rennet and casein cheeses, they're healthier and far more humane. Somehow, cutting a calf's stomach into pieces to create cheese, or inserting a calf gene into bacteria and yeast to produce bioengineered cheese is not very appealing. Next time, hold the cheese, please!



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