

儘管如此,請暫時拋開排斥的心裡,試玩一下PETA新推出的作菜遊戲,這是模仿當紅的煮飯擬真遊戲「Cooking Mama」(中文翻為「妙廚老媽」)。雖然這款血腥的小遊戲讓人感到噁心,但它的用意是為了讓大家在遊戲中體驗處理家禽的殘忍。

同時,也藉由這個小遊戲凸顯出,為什麼沒有素食版的「妙廚老媽」?希望玩過遊戲的人,能寫信給日本Office Create(註),請他們也製作一款素食版的「妙廚老媽」!

「Cooking Mama」遊戲網址: http://www.peta.org/cooking-mama/index.asp

註:Cooking Mama是由日本Office Create製作,在不同國家由不同公司發行,日本由Taito公司、北美由Majesco公司、歐州則由505 Games發行。



Are Cooking Games Vegan?

Here's an interesting question to consider: Are cooking games vegan? If you're cooking cartoon flesh on a computer screen or television, are you somehow really harming animals?

Well, technically all virtual meal preparation of animated ingredients is vegan, but I know some people can't help feeling it's at least a little icky.
But try and put those feelings aside for a few minutes and play our new cooking game! Our game is a parody of the popular video game series Cooking Mama, and I'll admit that it is bloody and gross at first, but only to make the point that cooking animals, even those who are animated, is rather gross.

We're also using it to highlight the serious lack of vegetarian cooking games out there, and we're even encouraging people to write to the Cooking Mama creator, Majesco, to ask the company to make an all-vegetarian-recipe game.

You can check out the game here.

