籲政府加強對抗氣候變遷 萬人走上倫敦街頭

(法新社倫敦 6日電) 上萬人在12月6日走上倫敦街頭示威,要求政府採取更多行動來防範氣候變遷。


此次遊行的發起人-凱特(Kate Tansley)指出:「我們的訴求共有「四不」和「一要」。不要有第三條希斯羅機場跑道(希斯羅機場是世界上最繁忙的機場之一)、不要擴展航空、不要使用煤及農作物燃料(例如生質燃料)」。「一要」是指投資可再生能源或是和其相關的綠色產業。」

示威者騎腳踏車或步行,手持著海報和標語。26歲的學生 Jon Roberts說:「今天聚集在此的人數眾多,足以向政府展現人民關心能源議題並開始意識到氣候變化的衝擊是全球性的。希望政府能採取更多行動防範氣候變遷,不論是需要金錢投入或是構思新提案,政府都需要確實去執行。」

由於工業化國家根據「京都議定書」(Kyoto Protocol)作出的初步承諾將於2012年期滿,屆時,該如何擴大對抗氣候變遷,還有賴於「共同願景」的基礎內容的訂定,這也是此次波茲南會議的目標。



Thousands join climate change demo in London

Organisers said 10,000 people took part in the colourful procession to the Houses of Parliament, which coincided with a meeting of 192 nations in Poznan, Poland, to draft a new international climate change treaty.

Kate Tansley, of the march organisers Campaign against Climate Change, said the protest highlighted four issues, including a call for plans to build a third runway at London's Heathrow airport, one of the world's busiest, to be scrapped.

She said: "There are four 'no' issues and one 'yes' one.

"These are no to a third runway at Heathrow and the general expansion of aviation, no to coal, and no to agro-fuels," she said, referring to biofuels.

"It's good to have a more positive message though, and that is yes to investment in renewable energy and all the green jobs that it would bring."

The protesters came on bicycles and on foot, carrying placards and banners.

Student Jon Roberts, 26, said: "The turnout today shows the government how many people care about energy issues in this country and are aware of the impact it is having around the world.

"I really hope the government takes more action on energy. There may be bills and proposals to combat climate change but they need to actually do something to enforce them."

The Poznan meeting aims to lay the groundwork for a "shared vision" on how to broaden the fight against climate change after the first set of commitments made by industrialised nations under the Kyoto Protocol expire in 2012.

A new climate change treaty is scheduled for completion by December next year, although the global economic slowdown has made already delicate negotiations even more difficult.



